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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2015-05-04 in all areas

  1. Glad you got it to work Skeleton files seem to be a point of confusion for many people. I'm not sure if we already have a recent and up to date resource to point people to. If not, I think it would be worth capturing what was learned and sharing it with others that could be used in the future. It would also be good to capture and document your art flow from Maya as a legitimate method of making models and animations for 0 A.D. I know documenting is a pain, but it is a tremendous resource to those that don't know where to begin.
    4 points
  2. Not finished. Missing: Triggers.Details. First update: Second update: Now playable in game. Constantinople_Midnigth_Assault.zip
    1 point
  3. Another small suggestion: what about making units not attack animals automatically unless attacked first? At least in the case of non-aggressive animals like boars? But IMO preferable for all animals. Reason being that I find it annoying when my units break formation just to chase an animal in the distance or getting a false alarm of being attacked because one of my units decided to go after a wild boar. It's a minor issue, but can save quite a few annoyances. IMO AoE2 does this quite well.
    1 point
  4. I installed it on a few computers on my local game center for a Bronies meetup. Sadly enough there were too many people on the PC for them to play. Anyway, those screenshots are amazing. The game is far more slow paced but you can enjoy seeing all your ponies work to create a full town. It's just missing more high-pitched voices and you've got an great pony game ! Maybe you can look at Xonotic Pony for some sounds http://git.xonotic.org/?p=xonotic/xonotic-data.pk3dir.git;a=tree;f=sound/player;h=bdc1fbfd936edc424f10f97b7410d770d985ea56;hb=refs/heads/mirceakitsune/donotmerge-pony_playermodel;js=1 (I tried to put the video on spoiler but it stay black)
    1 point
  5. Work in progress: If you'd like to try it then the following should work: (A18) https://github.com/s0600204/0ad-civselection-mod(SVN) https://github.com/s0600204/0ad-civselection-mod/tree/SVN (Note: untested)Neither is compatible with han_china or millenniumad mods, due to relocated civ json files (aristeia works). Lion: if you'd like to help, I could do with a couple of small icons, about 16x16px, as indicated by the (terribly drawn, sorry) arrows below.
    1 point
  6. Hi buddies. All propositions above mainly are right, but, i personnaly think that pause might be a usefull stuff, and sometimes really boring. So, why wouldn't pause conditions be a caracteristic of the match, as starting ressources or population? So i'm kinda joining Karamel 's post. The host choose the kind of pause, between different possibilities as: -any pause allowed -pause allowed -pause allowed, but players can vote to stop it (51% of the vote and the game unpauses?) -...
    1 point
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