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  1. I think some sort of hard counter system is good...so long as it is logical and implemented well.
    3 points
  2. Hi for all, I open this thread for discuss about the new counter system. In the new system the players need see your units status and make your choices, correct? For exemple, my enimy units are weak for hack damage, I go and use swordsman to counter. But in some games ago I have problem with it. My enemy used a large produccion of ranged infantary units, I make cav melee to counter them, but I lost my cav. I think that: I use few cav. But today I play again. I make some cav melee, 11, and try to attack my enemy. Probably he had 10 ranged infantary units, no towers or upgrades or CC, we are in early game. And my cav melee were annihilated in seconds. I hear somethins about persians chariots, without counter is hard to counter them. What do you think?
    2 points
  3. And the Egyptians too... Also the Huns come a few centuries later. Babylon was conquered by Persia and the Mongols were nothing more than a small nomadic tribe (the became great during the Medieval times, not during the Ancient Times). And for China we have a mod called 'Rise of the East': http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19233
    2 points
  4. Hey, Thank you for your interest. I the past I made a small method to get units for other games to get into 0AD (With anims) However maybe this is not the best idea as it would probably take more time than to adjust textures to new models. I'm the artist that made most of the mod stuff. Even on your little guy netbook you should be able to launch atlas to test the mod. I'd be interested in feedback of it (units,helmets, weapons...buildings) Also, I don't know anything about your skills, but if you could teach me some stuff about making armors textures, I and the community would greatly benefit from it. About your HDD, you could buy a SATA/USB adapter or a IDE/USB one (If you don't know what I'm talking about don't bother) =) Also source files are really nice to have to learn stuff =)
    1 point
  5. The alpha 17 changes really are very very bad. Removing hard counters was a mistake and there are numerous bad decisions like the one pointed out in this thread. Spearmen get pierce attack, and to make them counter cavalry cavalry must have low pierce armor, right? But ranged units have pierce attack too. Ranged units are supposed to be countered by cavalry, but instead slaughter cavalry like hot knife through butter. And then you have a basic unit like swordsman who costs 3 different resources, food, wood, and iron. You have champion units (see Seleucid silver shield for example) who cost HUGE amounts of 3 resources too. You will have post after post of people trying to defend their decisions (the balancing branch people who basically have thrown the game's design into disarray), so it is very clear that they do not intend to change direction. It is good to experiment, but you should know when the experiment is a failure. The truth is the game's health just now relies on modding to fix game's balance.
    1 point
  6. Ignoring most of your post, but I have to answer to this part: Commits including code you contributed (full listing): r15150, r15677, r15699, r15868. There are some patches on trac that were applied (and are in the above listing), or they did get a review and weren't improved and thus aren't going anywhere, or the ticket was just invalid. Yes, commits can be reverted, but patches can be improved before they are committed and as can be seen you didn't do that. Code contributions (patches) say more than long forum posts and judging from yours your demand for source access, the demand for getting an answer in less than 8 hours, and the above rant some 3 months later is presumptuous at best.
    1 point
  7. 0 A.D. Development Report #16 Wildfire Games, the international group of volunteers developing 0 A.D., is happy to present this 0 A.D. development report. If you want to find out more about the development of this open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game or if you are interested in game development in general, it might provide an interesting read. If you want to be part of this project, we urge you to post your application in our forums or just grab a task from our list of open tickets and get right to it. We are currently looking for Gameplay, AI, Sound and Graphics Programmers along with Animators and 3D & texture artists. You prefer to do something else than programming or drawing? Luckily for your portfolio we are also looking for Video Editors, a Documentation Manager and Scenario Designers. Still no luck? Head to our forums and join our active community! !!! We are in need of programmers and animators! If you are one, redirect yourself to this thread. Your contributions are crucial !!! Clockwise: New unit meshes, Mastiff, shark and fox Programming & Art Enrique, our talented lead artist, has been busy last month. He decided it was time to rework 0 A.D. meshes and armature. The results are bringing them up to par with modern RTS games. Now the help of animators is required (if you are an animator, please post an application) to make use of the new possibilities. He also updated the complete Persian building set with better textures and ambient occlusion. If that was not enough, he also reworked the cypress trees and many other plants. Mimo has been hard at work improving his AI bot: Petra, which is the toughest AI opponent to date. Among cleaning up code and bug fixes, he also added AI support for saved games! A feature that has been high on the community's wishlist. On top of that the AI is now able to send tribute to its allies! Yves, has set the goal of upgrading our SpiderMonkey to ESR31 for next alpha release. Performance will increase with this upgrade and memory usage will be reduced a bit. Check out the following links for more information about performance measurements and detailed effects of gcPreserveCode setting. Itms fixed bugs related to the new Fog of War and bug fixes submitted by community members. He also accepted the task of improving the pathfinder, based on Philip's and Wraitii's work. We think we speak for all of you when we wish him good luck! historic_bruno updated Windows version strings for 8.1 and 10 (technical preview), fixed a couple of OS X bugs and many bug fixes submitted by community members. Leper updated 0 A.D. with the latest translation work of our community and fixed a good amount of bugs, many submitted by members of our community. He also replaced CParser, which is slow, with FSM to parse our config files. Micket modeled a shark, a wolfhound, a mastiff and tuna fish. Some of his models have been textured as well (as you can see in the screenshot above). Stanislas69 has also been modeling a lot of different objects, among his first steps in animating. Scythetwirler fixed a bug in the rating system of the lobby bot.
    1 point
  8. It's not even been 24 hours and you've already run out of patience? To me that says enough about whether or not someone should get commit access. You're welcome to participate in the development of 0 A.D. on the same grounds as everyone else: if you're not part of the team you can still be a part of discussions and submit changes as patches, but don't have commit access to SVN.
    1 point
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