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  1. @BreakfastBurrito_007 i contacted your team. BERBEROG and TRSA2 will be removed from the tournament. The team will be replaced by a new team that was created. And we will add a fifth player to each team. But these are dramatic changes, so i would like confirmation from the other players asap.
    1 point
  2. @clavz here is the new link: https://discord.gg/Zbb8rCnz It is valid for only 1 week. I updated it on the first post too. Write your 0ad username in get-started to get access to the server.
    1 point
  3. I am just trying to copy this from https://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest/downloads/hyrule-conquest-015-reupload Final release of Hyrule Conquest, Labrynna overhaul and compatibility with 0.26 version of 0AD. This is likely the final release of Hyrule Conquest, assuming there are not any horrific bugs that slipped past into the mod that need fixed. I have lost all motivation and love for Zelda and have shifted my focus to working on Star Fox Event Horizon. There are still issues within the game that have not been addressed, for example the 0.26 version broke unit pathing when they walk out of buildings, so some units will walk through walls as they are finished being trained. It is far too much work than I am willing to do to fix these issues, I am heavily invested in devoting my time to Star Fox Event Horizon at the moment. I have no idea if I'll ever finish the River Zora or ever work on this mod again, again I am completely burned out on Zelda and have lost all interest. PLEASE READ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, HYRULE CONQUEST REQUIRES A NEW METHOD TO INSTALL. Installation: - Delete any previous version of Hyrule Conquest you have. It will absolutely conflict with this new version. - Install the Alpha 26 version of 0AD, which can be downloaded here: Play0ad.com - Locate 0AD's pyrogensis.exe file. The default filepath to it is C:\Program Files (x86)\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe - Drag "hyrule-conquest.pyromod" onto pyrogensis.exe. This will automatically unpack and install the mod in the correct location. 0AD will then automatically start and open the mod menu with Hyrule Conquest enabled. Click Save Configuration, then Start Mods. hyrule-conquest.pyromod can be found inside the zip you downloaded from moddb. New Features: - Labrynna visual and unit overhaul. Labrynna can now domesticate wild animals. - Added Ontheon Cliffs (2v2) map. - Numerous bug fixes. FOR THOSE WITH PERFORMANCE ISSUES: - Hyrule Conquest aims to have the best looking models possible, however 0AD is currently not optimized for that goal. It is highly recommended that if you are experiencing frame rate issues to lower the model quality in the Options > Graphics (Advanced) menu. Reducing Shadow Quality can also have a decent positive impact on frame rates.
    1 point
  4. I am just trying to copy this from https://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest/news/hyrule-conquest-is-coming-to-a-wrap After over a decade of development, the final version of Hyrule Conquest is around the corner. Posted by The_Undying_Nephalim on May 22nd, 2023 This news is mostly intended as a courtesy to Patrons of Hyrule Conquest. After over a decade of work I have decided to bring Hyrule Conquest to a close. Within the next several months you guys will be seeing the last additions to this game, of which I will go into detail later in this post. Starting as "Hyrule Total War" in January of 2011 and eventually going through an engine and name change in 2016, I have spent over 12 years working on this game. If we go beyond just this particular game, I have been working non-stop on a Zelda video game project in some form since 2005. That is nearly two decades of my life I have spent immersed in and devoted to creating this stuff. To put it bluntly, I am all burned out on Zelda. A combination of falling out of love with new Zelda games, and just plain old massive burnout from working on Zelda for long I think has finally caught up with me. So then, what's left to do for Hyrule Conquest before it's brought to a wrap? I am currently smack dab in the middle of working on the Wild Zora and getting the game to work with the 0.26 version of 0AD, as the last several posts here have pointed out. They will be finished and released as soon as possible. If there are any crazy bugs after this that need to be fixed, I'll release patches afterwards. As a token to the fans that have supported me for all these years, I will consider giving access to Hyrule Conquest's github for those that wish to balance the game for the multiplayer community or make their own submods. The Hyrule Conquest public discord will remain open and I will remain in it for the community and anyone who wishes to still communicate with me there, but I will probably become less active there once this is done. For the Patrons that are still here supporting this game, you guys have my immense gratitude. If it were not for you Hyrule Conquest would have probably died half a decade ago. You guys have genuinely been a huge help in keeping this fan game alive, as well as all the people who have supported me in other ways. This announcement is mostly a courtesy to you, as I do not wish for you to waste money on a project that might be going on a very long or indefinite hiatus after the next version is released. Is it possible I'll return to working on Hyrule Conquest? Anything is possible, I suppose. If so, I need one hell of a break. I refuse to make any promises and give people expectations though, so I will firmly say that this will be a wrap. In contrast to this weariness and disillusionment, the past 8 months of working on Star Fox: Event Horizon has been very positive. I'm having fun again, and this contrast has made me sharply aware of just how little I've been enjoying Zelda and interacting with its general fandom. This realization was the final nail in the coffin for the continuation of my work on Hyrule Conquest. I'm sorry to disappoint those of you who are fans of the game; I would have stopped my work long ago were it not for you. But there comes a point where one has to prioritize one's own happiness and health. I will post news here of when the Wild Zora are finished and released, as well as the final release. Once that's done, I will be diverting my attention and energy to Star Fox: Event Horizon, as well as some original projects I've wanted to work on for a very long time. If you're a Star Fox fan, or you've enjoyed my work so far, I hope you will all check it out and continue enjoying video games with me.
    1 point
  5. You can sign us! Team name: A. S. Pruzzo Players: alre - clavz - Sir Atheas - ALEXANDROS
    1 point
  6. I have found comments in some files written like this: <!-- comment -- > In the mercenary mixin for example.
    1 point
  7. I quitted playing, same for the others.
    0 points
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