Wildfire Games would like to thank to all the members of this awesome community and thank you for the continued support and patience.
To continue spreading the word about 0 A.D. we designed this best wishes card, you can find the XCF template at the bottom for printing.
After running the software update to 13.1, I had the same problem and fixed it with the same solution. So, yeah, looks like this might be a general issue with Ventura 13.1.
Right it seems they were updated by @Lopess a few weeks ago to start A27 compatibility. I suppose one can go to an anterior version. It'd be nice to have them packaged on mod.io
From the website
IMPORTANT: Since the bundle is not signed on certain macOS version you might need to unlock the app. You can do so by running the following command in the terminal after installing:
xattr -cr /Applications/0\ A.D..app
Macedonian has warehouse technology - 100% of the study time. However, when the player clicks on "Learn Game > Structure > Warehouse (right mouse button)" or clicks on the right mouse button of the warehouse in the game, it shows the cost time. This may confuse the player.