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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-12-05 in all areas

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Documentation Team Roster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++Any Document Discussion out of our DM group is posted here++ As the title states above we will be using this thread to keep track of things still needing updated on trac Template: ------------------------------------------------------ * Link to outdated document: * Details: * Comments: ----------------------------------------------------- (You can add anything else you'd like on the Template this is just a starter)
    2 points
  2. Question: Since im making operators for the bolt/stone artillery should i scale up Rams at least to have 6 men inside?
    2 points
  3. Another useful drawing on torsion bolt-shooters (left) and stone-throwers (right): And some tables with dimensions of the different parts: Source: E. W. Marsden Greek and Roman Artillery: Historical Development (Oxford 1969).
    2 points
  4. If that happens, i'll recommend you to look/use as reference this two jewels: And its actually quite simple because being most of the factions "Robots" this means every texture is a metal wich are easier to do. If that happens also, i'll recommend starting by two factions first, either its empire or Droids.
    2 points
  5. Discovery of four statues in Bretagne (France) https://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/patrimoine/archeologie/rare-decouverte-de-quatre-sculptures-gauloises-en-bretagne_3673787.html https://actu.fr/bretagne/saint-brieuc_22278/pres-saint-brieuc-archeologues-decouvrent-objets-ayant-appartenu-chef-gaulois_28891529.html
    1 point
  6. Iron Age shield found in Pocklington is "one of most important ancient finds this millennium" https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/heritage/iron-age-shield-found-in-pocklington-is-one-of-most-important-ancient-finds-this-millennium-1-10137418 “The popular belief is that elaborate metal-faced shields were purely ceremonial, reflecting status, but not used in battle. Our investigation challenges this with the evidence of a puncture wound in the shield typical of a sword. Signs of repairs can also be seen, suggesting the shield was not only old but likely to have been well-used,” said Paula.
    1 point
  7. Sounds great! There are a couple other animals with missing animations, ask @Stan` if you're interested.
    1 point
  8. Nvm I got it thank you so much!
    1 point
  9. Hi @Alexandermb thank you! Boar had last key frame duplicated 10 times so at end of walk or run animation boar seams frozen. If that explanation is no good I can take two pictures of whats changed. All well Slobodan Vidović
    1 point
  10. And me, include also Kings and Generals. The voice, the work, the visual are perfect for a good afternoon with a coffe on hand and listen it.
    1 point
  11. Here are ten technical drawings which might help: They're from H. Köchly and W. Rüstow Griechische Kriegsschriftsteller (Leipzig 1853-1855), which is fully scanned: https://archive.org/details/griechischekrieg01kc/page/n5 https://archive.org/details/p1griechischekri02kc/page/n6 https://archive.org/details/griechischekrieg00kcuoft/page/n6
    1 point
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