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  1. Poll choices are very biased and clearly want you to choose the view supported by the poster or be ridiculed as ignorant and stupid. And elexis has a point. As far as colonists are concerned, dangerous animals are enemies. So if you don't want units to go out of formation to kill them, the obvious solution is not to put units in formation
    1 point
  2. Step 9: Some of the bridges become fortified gates. At the wooden bridges small paths start, at the fortified gates, larger roads lead away from the city. Bushes are added to the walls. Step 10: Fortresses near roads are added to try to address the balancing problem that all scripted opponents would only attack the 2-4 players closest to the city. We observe a big balancing problem with the random paths. Step 11: To connect all of the players with the central strip, player paths are added to random places on the road. It's the places where the shallows going to be. It becomes evident that one of the concerns that is visible in the very first design sketch will turn out to be a severe balancing problem: The shallows can be walled off easily, then all scripted enemies will take the path through the left side instead of attepting to destroy the walls; i.e. the players on the left get's all scripted enemies, the players on the right side none. This means either the map design must fundamentally change (for instance making the entire stream passable), or the scripted enemy must be ordered to destroy the closest buildings instead of trying to reach a point behind that obstacle (sucks to create a different bot strategy for every map) Step 12: Adding farmland and farmsteads near the ditches to make the city more vivid and realistic.
    1 point
  3. So, for a while now this idea has been stirring in Wow's head. It's about the ambient noise in the game, specifically the music and the ambient sound, such as wind. So, imagine these three things happening, independently, and how it could immerse a player into the game world: Music Music is ever-present, but fades away the farther away a player's civic center goes out of camera view. So, as long as a civic center belonging to the player is visible, the music plays at full volume. But once the player can no longer see any of his/her civic centers the music starts to fade. This fade is proportional to the camera's distance from the player's nearest civic center. Secondarily, the music also fades the greater height the camera goes. So, if you zoom out, the music fades proportional to the distance, even if a player's civic center is in full view. The music never full fades out, but it's a noticeable effect if you listen for it. Wind This is an ambient sound effect based solely on the altitude, or height, of the camera. No "Wind" at standard camera height, but this sound effect starts to fade in proportionally as the camera is zoomed out to max altitude. So, as the music fades out, high altitude wind starts to take over. Map Ambient This is ever-present on the map, but fades in louder the farther away the camera is from any player's building. It fades out as more player buildings come into view. It also fades out to nothing as the camera approaches max altitude. Wow's not sure how difficult this would be, but Wow thinks if it's a subtle well-done effect, then you'll start having a memorable soundscape for the game. Each effect would have its own constraints and constants, so would largely be independent from the others, though would mesh together in the gameworld.
    1 point
  4. Position: 3D Modeling and Texturing, Able to animate as well. Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Are you sure you are not wanting to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) Yes Name: Ross Email: ross.harrop@hotmail.co.uk Location: Portsmouth, England. Availability: Currently 5-7 Hours. 6 months from now, possibly – 8-12 Age:26 Occupation: 3D Artist Skills and Experience: Currently working as a 3D Artist, Studied 3D Animation at University. Proficient in Maya(expert), Zbrush, 3DS Max(average), Photoshop, Substance Painter, Substance Designer. Capable of modeling, texturing, rigging (Maya) and animation (Maya). Motivation: To continue to learn and improve my skillset, while being part of a unique experience. Personality: A creative thinker and problem solver, who is open-minded and enjoys life. Short Essay: Discovered Wildfire Games while browsing game development online. Having playing games like Age of Empires and Stronghold when I was younger, now having a chance to contribute to that genre is very exciting. I also hope to gain experience with working on another project, and other people. Which will help me to build my portfolio. Interests and Hobbies: Gaming and watching movies are two of my biggest hobbies (shock!). I’m also enjoying a new love of board games recently, like Game of Thrones Risk and Sheriff of Nottingham. I also play some sports which take up most of my weekend in the summer. So when I want to relax, I read a good book. I’m currently hooked on the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child. Staff: I don’t know and staff. Community: I look at polycount occasionally but browse through 80lv most frequently. I’ve discovered tech-Artists.org which interests me most, as I’m currently learning C++ and have some experience in Python scripting in Maya. Favorite Game: Currently it’s God of War, I really enjoyed the character development of Kratos. But for nostalgia value, Pokémon Yellow on my Gameboy. I took it everywhere with me. Work Examples: The video links are from my student work at University, using a pbr workflow. While the images below are from ‘A Tale in the Desert’, which is non-pbr. https://vimeo.com/231542249 https://vimeo.com/224177755
    1 point
  5. Vegetation would be nice You could start with doing papyrus sprites. We generally use planes to do vegetation. You can find a more complete list of specific trees we need there -> (Flora Section) Else you could try to fix existing trees. Have you downloaded the game source yet ?
    1 point
  6. I'd be happy with any buildings, props or vegetation to start with. Then i might venture into animals and people, but whats at the top of your list at the moment?
    1 point
  7. On our machines the hotkey event is sent less often than on your machines, so we didn't notice it being a problem. If the GUI updates it less often than the hotkey event frequency, the lag should be gone independent of the hotkey event frequency.
    1 point
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