Overall I definitely think this is an area that needs some attention, here are a few things to consider though: Game Lobby/Play Online: While I think that Game Lobby might not be the most descriptive for someone who never has played any multiplayer game, I don't think switching to "Play Online" is necessarily the best option. If that would have been the only way to play online, sure, but now it isn't, so to make it easier to know what you are talking about when e.g. someone asks for help/debugging etc I think the name should be well defined. It should be possible to e.g. include some more information in the button (Game Lobby - Play Online or something).Options: Limit the visible sure, remove options not so sure. I'm certainly ok with e.g. only having basic options via GUI and having the more advanced ones in config files, but removing useful options just to make it simpler I don't agree with. We should definitely add some options in either case though, things like resolution are needed.Do we really need both "Explored Map" and "Revealed Map"? - Well, they serve different purposes, so I'd say we do. Explaining things better is definitely a good idea though.What does "Disable Treasures" even mean? - Not seeing the problem with that one, unless someone don't know what treasures mean? (Or the word disable, but I doubt people who are native English speakers would have that problem, and if you aren't you can play a translated version.)