Now, the short comments like this seem bizarre to me. Surely you must realize you are in no different position than anyone else here who contributes to the project... when they could be playing bf4... or watch netflix. The wording in several of your comments makes it sound like the rest of us were getting payed. I'm not saying you are not contributing anything of value, or that it seems like your posts take little effort (I'm sure they are not, though, many of the imgur images are just dead links, so it's hard to tell), I'm just saying.. we have all spent our spare time on this project. Now, about the thread; Most of us artists know how to make normal maps. It just takes more time to do so. I don't think that increasing the work load for the artists will be beneficial to the project. That's just me though (and sure, if there is some part that is super critical putting in extra work on that makes sense).