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  1. Thanks for the votes, it just get updated and alpha 18 will be in Ubuntu 15.04!
    2 points
  2. Hi maleg. Thank you for reporting. I am also concerned about lag from path finding problem. You can find commands.txt by date and time you played. Open C:\Users\your_account_name\AppData\Local\0ad\logs\sim_log and you will see many folders but the timestamps are the end of games so you can distinguish them easily. And you can open those files by text editor and you can read map names and match settings etc. like following: start {"mapType":"skirmish","map":"maps/skirmishes/Acropolis Bay (2)","settings":{"CircularMap":true,"Description":"Each player starts the match atop a large flat plateau, otherwise known as an acropolis.\n\nTo the East lies a large bay with fishing opportunities. To the West is a rugged hinterland with an unclaimed acropolis commanding the valley below.","GameType":"conquest","Keywords":[],"LockTeams":false,"Name":"Acropolis Bay (2)","PlayerData":[{"Name":"Player 1","AI":"petra","AIDiff":3},{"Name":"Player 2","AI":"petra","AIDiff":3}],"Preview":"acropolis_bay.png","RevealMap":false,"mapType":"skirmish","AISeed":0}}turn 0 200With commands.txt we can replay the game and it would help the development . But multi player games are hard to replay for me, so single player games are appropriated.
    2 points
  3. Hi, i am very much new here and i understand that its a strategie game so to much realism blocks startegie items. I have some simple idears I wondered very much about the 40 food points and the 4x walking for just a single chicken. Especialy while a sheep is 100 food. from my point of view a chicken should be 5 points only and you have 2 hands so in each hand you can have 1 chicken still giving 10 point of food with 1 walk. I think to understand that the chickens don't multply at all and they are just a nice start up, like chickensoup as a starter. My idears: a) make a simple chicken engine that: 1) makes eggs. 1 egg = 1 food point, you will have to gather them 2) eggs become chickens (3 to 5 min?) so there will be more chickens to catch. 3) put a max off 100 to 250 eggs/chickens OR make 1 to 3 chicken nests per HOME. 4) woman and sinple soldiers might gather eggs and hunt chicken b ) i noticed corpses are not decaying If a single person is killed by wolves the corpse just layes there If the corpse would decay in 3 or 4 steps, the wolf could eat from it during the first and maybe second decay setp 3) fresh corpse 2) rotting corpse 1)skeleton 0) shield and sword to be gathered by woman and lowest soldiers, giving metal back 5-20 point depending on soldier rank?? woman dont have metal, so no stage 0 if gathered before stage 0, the corpse will be 'burried' and disapear c) i red that once you have to much woman created they take up counter space So they could be killed or slaved, but woman often travel with armies to make food and to care for the wounded and lonesome So if you have this woman tribe behind you, your army might gain 5 to 10% strength becouse they are taken care for. a mobile kitchen/hospital could be 5-8 woman on 100 soldiers they will be slower then the priests, just a point per minute or some
    1 point
  4. Dunno if serious or not but dude you somehow really cracked me up Imagine an RTS with revolutionary chicken economy simulation! That'd be something right!?
    1 point
  5. If someone makes the animations, you will see that
    1 point
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