1. There are no ages in 0 A.D., but city phases. Similar to 0 A.D. being a time that never existed, so it lets you fight civilisations from different periods, the time also doesn't proceed when you build up your city. If anything, the CCs could grow when phases are researched, as bigger cities get bigger townhalls, no matter in what time it was. 2. There's already a barter option in the market. There you can exchange one good for the other. Your workshops seem to do the same, making one of them useless. 3. 9 monuments per civ is a lot. That means you request 108 models from the artists. If the resources are away from your CC, it's because the map maker meant it this way. Sending out your worker units makes them more vulnerable, thus can make a game more fun (it all depends on what sort of games you like, and what the map maker likes of course). 4. Icons are just part of the GUI. They should represent their meanings with what we currently picture with it. Like the town bell is a bell icon, even if they might have used trumpets or other instruments in the past. In-game art must represent reality as close as possible, GUI art must represent actions with icons we currently understand. So the two hands together is easy to understand, and works well. The staff with a snake might indeed be harder to understand. If you know improvements, you can always propose them. 5a. Yeah, maybe they could have a better aura, and make them more useful. But we must make sure they don't get overpowered either. 5b. I think altars aren't needed when you can build temples. We really shouldn't add buildings without distinctive meaning. 5c. Alliances are a choice of the player, not something forced on the player. So if two players agree, they can become mutual allies. 6. Temples have a healing aura already, it could be extended to other stats for sure. And I like your choosing-a-god example. You could choose a god in a temple, the it takes a few resources and some time to activate the god, after which a certain civ bonus is granted.