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  1. (ESCRITO EN CASTELLANO MÁS ABAJO) Hi, this is my first post. I would first like to thank the whole team who have managed to make this game so great and altruistically. Second notice that my English is not entirely good (and even more so when you have to talk with technical terms) so in part by traslator Google help me and also leave the text in my original language (if there be any misunderstanding). If anyone would like to help translating, great. I start with my suggestions for improving the game, but not before warning that I Studies in design and art, besides being amateur anthropologist, and therefore I have knowledge of what I mean here. start:-1-I think it should be changed the "evolutionary transformation stylist" that happens when you exceed an age in which all buildings change their style a better instantly. This is part seeing very unrealistic makes losing the historical essence. So I propose that every single age you can build in a style without evolves to advance period, for example, a house built on a stage keep this aspect throughout the entire game. -2-One of the things I miss most in the game is the sensation of city because missing buildings, so I suggest the emergence of "building workshops / stores" to help balance and regulate the economy transforming surpluses of a other less resource. These buildings also would have a 'on / off' button to stop or turn this exchange. Example: Suppose there is a textile workshop, this workshop would take resources wood and very slowly transform into metal (in equal measure). When we would stop this transformation would suffice to close the premises. -3-Another fail I find is that sometimes a resource is a bit away from the area of influence and can not built near this resource (or similar situation), so I propose that in every age could build 3 different monuments (9 in total) that would increase the area that in addition give a major historical and city look. Example: playing with the Greek civilization we could build:* in stage I, an Kuros an Hereo, an Agora.* Stage II, the theater of Dionysus, Hercules Farnese and a temple of Artemis in Ephesus.* And in stage III, the Altar of Zeus, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and the Colossus of Rhodes.(Add that these are just examples, the ideal would be to build a common example (a theater, a temple, a statue ... etc) and not a particular work)-4-Something I think it should be changed completely serious healing icon (currently a staff with a coiled snake pointing to the right) and the temple icon (represented as two hands together). The first to be confused as just looks and deceives the point; The second being that gesture (the hands clasped in prayer) a gesture at that time was only in Buddhism. Formerly each town had its way of praying, for example in Rome-Greek of that time they prayed to the gods of sky showing palms up and the gods of the earth with palms down (see picture). Thus I propose that the icon of healing is replaced by the image of a pot or albarelo blue (color formerly associated with healing) and the temple by a building consisting of a tympanum, 2 columns and an altar inside. -5- is currently the religion is in the doldrums and most people prefer the bloodthirsty warriors (if not the Spartans and their god of war) but do not forget that ancient religion and priests were an important part of every community. In this game does not exist magic component and truth is that by that time there was preaching as we would understand the Middle Ages, so the clergy has relegated them to the role of healers is not far from what they should do then. However healers game are of little use and considering its high price and that several buildings are carrying out this mission, create healers is all a whim. So concerning this religious theme I propose many things to highlight it and make sense within the game:--a-- Priests possess aura bonus and improvement. Is to say everything around this character, moved by faith or ecstasy, acts more efficiently (moves faster, collect food faster, heal faster ... etc.).--b-- Priests can create altars which have the aura bonus described above.--c-- Priests can perform animal sacrifices for favors such as: reveal the map or get for an enemy who becomes allied or neutral, for example. This in addition to assist and encourage in the game, would give greater meaning to "pens" which become a bit useless as there orchards and wild animals. -6- Finallyand referring to religion, also I miss a greater utility and presence of temples, could make these also had aura bonus (perhaps arranged as small altars-temples), in which improvements could be developed and provide temporary support. In polytheistic cases, these temples could be dedicated to a deity chosen as unfavorable statistics (For exampleif there were few food resources would be a god of agriculture, we were in battle to a god of war, if we need more people to a fertility god etc). Example: Temple of Ceres, goddess of agriculture> Elected to click on build temple for having a lower index of food resources. Gives +10 in collecting food in nearby farms. Develops "Blessing of the seed" with which orchards take less time to create. In addition also develops "Cerealia" Harvest Festival in honor of Ceres that for 5 minutes makes food collection is intensive, and that even after 30 minutes can not be reinstated. It is clear that in different cultures these suggestions would have to adapt. Well these are my suggestions about the game in general. I hope these ideas like and are accepted. Thanks for reading--------------------------------------------------CASTELLANO---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola, este es mi primer post. Quisiera primero dar las gracias a todo el equipo que habéis conseguido realizar este juego tan fantástico y de forma altruista. Segundo advertir que mi ingles no es del todo bueno (y más aun cuando se tiene que hablar con tecnicismos) así que en parte me ayudaré por Google traslator y además dejaré el texto en mi lengua original (por si surgiera alguna mala interpretación). Si alguien quisiera ayudarme traduciendo, estupendo. Empiezo con mis sugerencias para la mejora del juego, no sin antes advertir que tengo estudios en diseño y arte, a parte de ser antropólogo aficionado, y que por lo tanto tengo conocimiento de lo que aqui me refiero. Comienzo: -1-Creo que se debería cambiarse la «transformación evolutiva estilista» que ocurre al superarse una época, en la cual todos los edificios cambian su estilo por otro mejor instantáneamente. Esto a parte de verse muy irreal hace perder la esencia histórica. Así pues propongo que en cada época solo se pueda construir en un estilo, sin que evolucione al avanzar de periodo, con lo cual por ejemplo, una casa construida en una etapa mantendrá dicho aspecto durante todo el juego. -2-Una de las cosas que más echo en falta en el juego es la sensación de ciudad puesto que faltan edificios, así pues propongo la aparición de «edificios talleres/tiendas» que ayuden a equilibrar y regular la economía transformando los excedentes de un recurso en otro con menos indice. Estos edificios además contarían con un botón «on/off» para parar o activar dicho intercambio. Ejemplo: Supongamos que hay un taller textil, este taller tomaría recursos de madera y los transformaría de forma muy lenta en metal (en la misma medida). Cuando quisiéramos parar esa transformación bastaría con clausurar el local. -3-Otro fallo que encuentro es que a veces un recurso esta un poco lejos del área de influencia y no se puede construir cerca de dicho recurso (o alguna situacion similar), así pues propongo que en cada época se pudieran construir 3 monumentos diferentes (9 en total) que harían aumentar el área que además darían un mayor aspecto histórico y de ciudad. Ejemplo: jugando con la civilización helena podríamos construir: *en la etapa I, un Kuros, un Hereo, un Agora. *en la etapa II, el teatro de Dionisio, un Hércules de Farnesio y un templo de Artemisa de Éfeso. *Y en la etapa III, el Altar de Zeus, el Mausoleo de Halicarnaso y el Coloso de Rodas. (Añadir que esto son solo ejemplos, lo ideal seria construir un ejemplo común (un teatro, un templo, una estatua...etc) y no una obra concreta) -4-Algo que creo que debería ser cambiado totalmente seria el icono de curación (actualmente es una vara con una serpiente enroscada que apunta a la derecha) y el icono de templo (representado como dos manos juntas). La primera por ser confusa ya que apenas se ve y engaña al apuntar; La segunda por ser ese gesto (el de las manos unidas en oración) un gesto que en aquella época solo se daba en el budismo. Antiguamente cada pueblo tenia su forma de rezar, por ejemplo en la roma-grecia de la epoca se rezaba a los dioses del cielo mostrando las palmas hacia arriba y a los dioses de la tierra con las palmas hacia abajo (ver imagen). Asi pues propongo que el icono de curación sea sustituido por la imagen de un tarro o albarelo de color azul (color antiguamente asociado a la curación) y el de templo por un edificio compuesto por un tímpano, 2 columnas y un ara en su interior. -5-Ya se que actualmente la religión esta de capa caída y la mayoría de la gente prefiere a los sanguinarios guerreros (cuando no a los espartanos y su dios de la guerra) pero no hay que olvidar que antiguamente la religión y los sacerdotes eran una parte importante de toda comunidad. En este juego no existe el componente mágico y cierto es que por aquella época no existía la predicación como la entenderíamos en la edad media, así que a los clérigos se les ha relegado a la funcion de curanderos que no esta muy lejos de lo que deberian hacer por aquel entonces. No obstante los curanderos del juego no sirven de mucho y teniendo en cuenta su alto precio y que varios edificios cumplen ya esa misión, crear curanderos es todo un capricho. Así pues referente a este tema religioso propongo varias cosas para realzarlo y darle sentido dentro del juego: --a--Sacerdotes poseen un aura de bonificación y mejora. Es decir todo lo que este alrededor de este personaje`, movido por la fe o el éxtasis, actúa más eficientemente (se mueve mas rápido, recoge alimentos más rápido, se cura más rápido...etc.). --b--Sacerdotes pueden crear altares los cuales poseen el aura de bonificación anteriormente descrito. --c--Sacerdotes pueden realizar sacrificios de animales para obtener favores como pueden ser revelaciones puntuales o estratégicas en el mapa, o bien conseguir favor de un enemigo que se vuelve aliado o neutral, por ejemplo. Esto además de ayudar y favorecer en el juego, daría mayor sentido a los «corrales» los cuales se vuelven un poco inútiles al existir los huertos y animales salvajes. -6-Por ultimo y referente a la religión, también echo en falta una mayor utilidad y presencia de templos, se podría hacer que estos también tuvieran aura de bonificación (quizás dispuestos como altares-templos pequeños), en los cuales se pudieran desarrollar mejoras y proporcionar ayudas temporales. En casos politeístas, estos templos podrían estar dedicados a una deidad escogida según estadísticas desfavorables (por ejemplo si hubiera escasos recursos de comida seria a un dios de agricultura, si estuviéramos en plena batalla a un dios de la guerra, si necesitáramos mas población a un dios de la fertilidad etc). Ejemplo: Templo de Ceres, diosa de la agricultura > Elegido al pinchar en construir templo por haber un bajo indice de recursos de comida. Otorga +10 en recogida de alimento en granjas cercanas. Desarrolla «Bendición de la semilla» con lo cual las huertas tardan menos en crearse. Además tambien desarrolla «Cerealia» Fiesta de la cosecha en honor a Ceres que durante 5 minutos hace que la recogida de alimentos sea intensiva, que hasta pasados 30 minutos no se puede volver a realizar. Claro está que según cada cultura estas sugerencias se habrían de adaptar. Bueno estas son mis sugerencias con respecto al juego en general. Espero que dichas ideas gusten y sean aceptadas.
    3 points
  2. EDIT: instructions added to the top post
    2 points
  3. I think the team should look for Constantine: Rise of Christianity team for advice if they have to since in my opinion they are the best modders that recreate an empire that was long forgotten by history. Here's some of their example unit: Enjoy.
    1 point
  4. Today, the map format changed to allow bigger mountains. Game versions from now on won't be able to read old maps, and older game versions won't be able to read new maps. To convert from A18 maps to A19 maps, you should just run the python script here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/source/tools/mapcompatibility/a18_to_a19.py?format=txt (can also be found under source/tools/mapcompatibility/a18_to_a19.py if you have the SVN version). There are more complete instructions per OS below. Converting from A19 maps back to A18 is also possible, however, this will create bad results when your hills are actually bigger than the A18 limit. If you have any problems, please drop by on the chat: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.quakenet.org/0ad-dev Instructions for Windows First make a backup of your existing map files. We're not responsible for lost maps. Install python 3.x for your OS: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ Open the command prompt, and go to the python installation directory. For example: cd "C:\Python34"Then run the script (depends on where you stored the maps and the script): python "C:\Users\UserName\0AD\source\tools\mapcompatibility\a18_to_a19.py" "C:\Users\UserName\0AD\binaries\data\mods\public\maps\scenarios\mapName.xml"Now you should be able to open your maps with Atlas again, and it should look just the same as before, but give you the ability to make higher mountains. Instructions for Linux Install python 3 as usual on your OS. Then open the shell and go to the directory of the script. For example (depends on where you put the script): cd "~/0ad/trunk/source/tools/mapcompatibility/"And run the script with python3. For example (depends on where you stored the map): python3 a18_to_a19.py "~/0ad/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scenarios/mapName.xml"Now you should be able to open your maps with Atlas again, and it should look just the same as before, but give you the ability to make higher mountains.
    1 point
  5. The pathfinder is still being worked on, slowly. If there are no further problems with it, it should be releasable soon (A19 or A20 maybe). However, don't expect too much from the first versions of the new pathfinder. It will also need to grow.
    1 point
  6. Nevermind i found what the problem was,Norton didn't allow the program to run so i disabled it and now all works fine Thanks for the support
    1 point
  7. Yes, it's ready for a new, super-fast pathfinder, so we can have super big maps with a good height difference.
    1 point
  8. All units fully upgraded: 25 Athenian archers + hero that gives 1+ armor vs 15 champ roman swords, 5 bolt shooters, hero sword cav that gives +5 attack. Athenian archers killed everyone with 12 losses. They killed most of the swords before they even closed in. Then they killed the hero cav, and then they picked off the bolt shooters 1 at a time. That’s like 2500K worth of metal killed while only losing 600 metals worth. 20 Athenian archers vs. 15 consular sword cav. Athenian archers won with 13 losses. The sword cav cost twice as much though. One 250 metal bolt shooter dishes out 35 pierce/sec with 100 HP fully upgraded, while 5 Athenian archers of equal cost dish outs 124 pierce per second with 600 HP. Since units have such high crush armor, the 7 crush attack/sec of the bolt shooter seems negligible. There’s no other units where 250 metal gives you nearly that much firepower. Sparties come close, but they don’t have a 72 meter range.
    1 point
  9. Update Rovonin Heroes Adon, recruited at town phase mercenary guild description: experienced defensive warrior low health and stamina recharge due to age. he fought against the Rovon empire in the first rebellion after the Rovonin lost the war the mercenary guild was destroyed and outlawed. Adon's acts of defiance by running the guild underground draw warriors, merchants, peasants and disenfranchised lords to his cause. Abilities. Appeal to the people a random Rovonin soldier arrives at Adon permanently every few minutes passive effect. Righteousness of the Cause. A random Rovonin hero arrives at Adon for a short time (heroes that might come Curto, Bomar Dezuequel, Languard, Veridagorin, Mela, Ankora) passive effect requires Veridamar's influence Curto support warrior wielding a magic sword. abilites: great heal restores health to units and heroes near Curto for a few seconds when activated, confuse Curto confuses his enemies by creating 3 illusionary Curto's for a short time that deal very low damage but are invulnerable, defy death Curto becomes invulnerable for a short a time. Bomar, wise warrior, Bomar has mysteriously lived for hundreds years his body heals itself at a very fast rate if he loses a limb it will regrow in a few months. Abilities: Counselor technologies are cheaper and get researched faster passive effect, mysterious healing Bomar heals faster and heals in combat passive effect. Dezuequel, Archer with high attack speed. abilities: Quick Eye: quickly spots weaknesses in enemy armor causing more damage and ignoring some armor passive effect Mela giant man abilities: extreme strength attacks will throw enemies as long as he has stamina passive effect Veridamar Support hero and anti hero recruited at the city phase Assembly hall. Abilities: Influence gives soldier the target soldier an ability to disarm enemies unlocks ability for Adon. Disarm, an enemy hero or soldier greatly reducing that enemy units damage please let me know what you think about heroes and their abilities and how easy they would be to implement into the game
    1 point
  10. Should probably still be able to destroy a structure you own even if it is damaged; happened in war all the time where the defenders would sabotage any resources they had to keep them out of enemy hands. Also, repair shouldn't be required just to destroy it afterwards. Just bringing this up since it was mentioned that damaged bulldings should be easier to capture. I think a way to handle it would be to increase the capture rate based on the current health, so the lower the health, the faster the loyalty points drain. This would apply to territory loyalty decay also.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I solved a little the issue making a "chest" bone unparented which makes things easier to pose. Here are some more WIPS (I put the link to not saturate all pages with big gifs) http://makeagif.com/i/bFtV-N http://makeagif.com/i/_0FJ0k
    1 point
  13. Hey everyone, I've been coding some very rough GLSL post-processing tests just to see what they'd look like in 0ad, and thought I might share some results. The following images are in pairs, with the "plain" images first and the filtered images after: http://imgur.com/a/zZe2L These images use SSAO, HDR and Bloom filters. The dark halos around the character models are due to the SSAO, which otherwise looks pretty decent. Credit where it's due: the shaders are modified versions of the fantastic work of user martinsh on the Blender Artists forums. Peace Myc
    1 point
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