Hi, So I drew this idea from other RTSs such as Rise of Nations, Age of Empires III and to some extant Stronghold. I feel that the inclusion of 'wealth' or basically money in one form or another can potentially add a new layer of depth and realism to this game, because lets face it: how can some of the biggest empires in history not have any money and rely so heavily on gathering like palaeolithic peoples! Of course, I'm no game developer, and this idea may sound a little stupid, or unpopular because it might drastically change how economy works, slows the pace of gameplay or is against the 'vision' of what 0AD should be. But I still think it's worth looking into... What is wealth for? To buy resources with, to train champion units, and for building wonders. During mid or late game a player may research a tech from the market that allows one to automatically purchase resources if one is lacking but needed. So say you want to train a unit but have no more metal. The tech will make it so that once you begin to train that unit, wealth will automatically be deducted in order to purchase metal. How do you get it: So all players may start accumulating wealth once a market is built. Wealth may be earned at first by selling resources and trading with other players or neutral trade outposts if a map has them. Initially, you would earn very little doing these, but after building a market a player will be able to build a special building that allows one to farm wealth. These will act just like farm where you assign workers to them and drop off the resource in a new drop off building. For example, the Mauryans may get a new spice farm where worker units will gather spices and drop them off to a processing plant where the spices became your 'wealth'. This value however, will be much lower than that of food you get from farms. Furthermore, to simulate the act of exporting special good through trade, the more you build these special 'wealth farms', you more wealth you will earn through trading. And finally, to simulate the act of looting and pillaging, you can also earn wealth by destroying enemy 'wealth farms' and markets, and when a player is defeated, all of that player's remaining wealth will be distributed among the enemy team. How can this be beneficial: - Allows for the playability of maps where certain resources are lacking. like a desert with little wood or an environment that lacks stone - Adds realism - Helps late game - More depth - More tactical possibilities Some thing which some may dislike: - May encourage turtling - May slow down the pace of a game - Some may not like the added complexity - May distract from the focus on warfare