Proposal for collision detection (THX much Itms for adding template data loading from RMGen): ToDo: - Add collision detection for gates - Return the blocking entity IDs (and eventually remove those entities, ATM it just warns then) - Extract the part from Map.addObject() to a standalone function e.g. addObstruction() returning a list of entity IDs it's blocked by - Decide what's to do if something is blocked by something else in general (if such a decision seams reasonable) - ATM it needs quite long to check rectangular objects and (proper) walls are always blocking the adjacent wall parts (So what's to do here?) - Decide what scale to use (ATM it's 1 meter, simulations collision detection is 1/2 meter, terrain tiles/RMGen scale is 4 meters... Larger scale means less precision but faster checks OFC. Scale can simply be changed by changing Map.obstructionGridSizeInMeters) Any ideas welcome!