Hey! First I want to apologize in advance if what I say here has been said elsewhere before, I am pretty new here and there's a ton of history in these forums. The suggestions I have here are mostly about playability and making the game feel more fluid and easy to control. Firstly, the lack of hotkeys is a real big issue. There's many hotkeys in the manual but many do not cover the basic needs of the player. Control groups are great and I'm glad to see that they exist in 0 A.D. as well as unit creation hotkeys but I think there really needs to be more. Hotkeys to center your view on a building are really important, being able to jump around the map without having to scroll or click the mini-map adds a lot to playability and ease of use, it also helps players to do things more quickly due to not needing to remember where they placed a specific building on the map. Quickbuild hotkeys are also a big must, selecting a unit and being able to press a hotkey to create a building instead of clicking the UI is once again a huge time saver. Players will feel much more comfortable being able to place building foundations with hotkeys. Also, the idle unit hotkey is great but with the differences between male and female units so huge I feel as though there should be a different hotkey for each. Female villagers will be close to civic centers and form the backbone of your economy, generally speaking they will be separate form the male units who will be fighting and building military buildings away from the economy centers. Therefore, having separate hotkeys for each will help players to keep tabs on where their females are and where their males are. From a mid-low zoom level it's very difficult to distinguish between male and female villagers at a glance. Furthermore, your military is likely to be idle more than your economy, if you set 10 females to chop wood they will do it until the wood runs out. But if you send 10 military units across the map the second they stop you'll start cycling through them instead of the important economy units you intend to select. Second, if you are attacked by a unit that is out of your LOS you can not see the unit attacking you. I don't know if this is intentional but it makes defending really hard, if you hear an attack sound it's pretty hard to work out where you're being attacked from. There's no jump to notification hotkey to center your view on the attacked unit and if the unit is out of sight firing at you with arrows then it might be difficult to spot the arrows occasionally flying into your view. Putting a map revealer over the attacking unit is a good way to counter this problem. Third, sound feedback. I love the game music, it's fantastic. A lot of the sounds in the game are also great so really good work there! However, the game seems to lack a lot of sound feedback. For instance, when you advance to a new age there is no distinguishable or clear sound to tell you of that, and because there's no large visual (buildings changing) it can be difficult to realize when you've actually aged up! This may be alleviated also by the "jump to building" hotkeys, such as jumping to the civic center using a hotkey to quickly check on the building queue there. These are my suggestions at present and I am sure there will be more as I continue to play! I'm really loving the game so far though and I hope you find my suggestions constructive and not critical, the project seems to be moving in a great positive direction which is fantastic. I really love the way that technologies are done, forcing the player to decide between one or another really adds an interesting mechanic! Keep it up. -Zak