I think they should be ranged, but not archers. Just call them infantry_axe_thrower and make their simulation template inherit from template_unit_infantry_ranged. Perhaps even introduce a generalized template_unit_infantry_ranged_melee_thrower. Having ranged unit that do melee attack is no problem for 0AD. Though only with the new unit meshes, we might be able to make the thrown axe rotate. I don't think we can rotate props or prop points by script despite me remembering someone of the main team in the forum announcing that it should be possible?
Great, I like the idea to derive the champion limit the dynamically from the current population count. It would make defining the limits hard-coded obsolete. Not sure about walking speed, but couldn't we define it like in real world? e.g. Arabs might have swifter horses ... cavalry without any accessories is basically x times quicker than infantry and the like. Charging/Running: horse: <50 miles / h human: <30 miles / h (Bolt) Walking: horse: 3..4 miles / h (3.7 mi/h => 6 km/h) human: 3.1 miles / h 5 km / h I would love a malus + bonus depending on the terrain texutre and slope. Having it depend on accessories' weight too would only add epicness. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_speed_of_a_horse_when_walking http://www.howfastcan.com/a-horse-run/
I'm sure yelling at people always helps to get them to work on something.
That said, you don't have to wait for us to do something. It's open-source. So you can just grab the code, and make improvements on your own. I wouldn't expect too much help from the team though, not after the above post.
ok thanks for the feedback. great to know that the performance has improved For playing, svn is definitely much better, and the more testers we have on svn, the better