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  1. Anglosaxon shields were dished, not flat. The flat Anglosaxon shields is a modern thing, but shield boss finds are always shaped for a dished shield. There were some flat ones probably, but art is hard to discern from in this timeframe because of the loss of things like perspective and depth in paintings and whatnot. Also, those are rawhide, not metal shield rims.
    2 points
  2. Realms of Magic and Council of modders is proud to present Enhanced Blood Reward Enhanced blood combat features the following features Bugs Todo github checkou Zip Package Credits
    1 point
  3. A campaign kind of like Rise of Nation's Conquer the World campaigns would actually be interesting, if you guys are aware of them.
    1 point
  4. > group-self-conciousness That's too high of a target. They won't start a rebellion. I like group-self-sustainability. The grainpickers are responsible for their health and food output. To do this I give them the ability to adequately respond to field, unit, dropsite and center loss and to attacks. Other groups will be hunter, miner, logger, builder, healer and scouts. The economy is responsible to launch the right group mix depending on the map and overall output target. And on top a planner turning military requests in economic outcome or the other way round.
    1 point
  5. I ran this sequence: '1': [() => "< - START: " + sequence + " - >"], '5': [T.launch("g.grainpicker", 44, 44, 44, 44, 44), "launching 5 grainpickers"], '241': [() => "< - FINIS: " + sequence + " - >"],and got this chart: Food started with 10,000, lowest was 8850. Launched at 12s the grain pickers were back to 10,000 at 282s and reached 11,000 at 386s. That makes roughly 200 food in 100 secs per grain picker for Athen without any technologies. The video is rather boring. Edit: words
    1 point
  6. These weren't rowboats, they were stylized Dromons. There were Landing craft of a kind, but I can't remember what they were called. I'll look it up and get it for you.
    1 point
  7. With a tech you could modify the actor-xml and hence the amount of Loot as this is specified within <Loot> <Water>1000</Water> <xp>10</xp> ...</Loot>See e.g. here: https://github.com/0ADMods/China/commit/ed6dcfc2e40ae0e849b60e55f5496c29cea3df89#diff-10b879d5e375a9e337e9cc99c1be930cR13 I like it - however you solve(d) it. For your 2nd question: (we have a promotion component which stores the experience) cmpPromotion.IncreaseXp(<amount_of_xp_you_wish_to_add>);If I'm not mistaken then tech is only to modify templates => xml (json too?).
    1 point
  8. Count me as one of your troops surrecting those tents.
    1 point
  9. sounds to me like the Suebi would be a good choice for a generic group of Germanics, then, diverging into whatever the most famous/influential of them there were historically
    1 point
  10. A few things reading this thread: Neither the Visigoths nor the Ostrogoths came about until the end of the timeframes. Generically, "Goths" works best because they weren't much different. The Wendiske (Vandali) were Suabiske (Suebes), not Eastern Germans like the Goths or Heruli. The Suebes were an overarcing group, as well as their own culture. they included the Alemanni, Marcomanni, Quaddi, and Vandali, and others.
    1 point
  11. Even more concise: '1': [() => "< - START: " + sequence + " - >"], '2': [T.launch("g.grainpicker", 44, 44), "launching 2 grainpickers"], '10': [() => "please wait a moment"], '22': [T.destroy(216), "destroying field"], '30': [T.destroy(223, 224, 225), "destroying female units"], '44': [() => "ACTION"], '50': [T.launch("g.grainpicker", 44, 44, 44, 44, 44), "launching 5 grainpickers"], '210': [() => "< - FINIS: " + sequence + " - >"],The groups have a slightly different behaviour now, they first order one unit and the remaining four together with the field.
    1 point
  12. Fun fact: early in 0 A.D.'s development, it was officially decided to use 2D graphics instead of 3D (I can't find the log of that discussion, but the reasons were something like, 2D art is easier to create than 3D, not everyone has blazing fast graphics cards, etc).
    1 point
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