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  1. The upgrade is quite close to completion now! I've fixed serialization issues, compiler warnings, tests, replaced the SpiderMonkey usage in Atlas (#2434), cleaned up the patch and fixes other smaller issues. Now I need someone with a Mac to set up the build script for Mac OS X and test the build process there (#2442). In the meantime I'll test the build on Windows, have another close look through the whole patch and then call it v1.0 and consider it ready for the final review. I'd like to be ready for review in about a week and done with the review as soon as possible after that to have enough testing before the next alpha.
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone, my name is Michael Lomax (Lomax). I am almost 20 years old. Just recently I played Empire Earth, my first (RTS), and enjoyed it. So now I want to try 0 A.D. I am currently in the process of downloading it. Hopefully it works on my laptop. Since I am new, I may need some help very soon. Either that or I might just decide to completely attempt to learn on my own. Well, if you have any questions or comments for me, feel free to post something below or PM me here on these Forums.
    1 point
  3. Do you only want to run it, or have it playable as well? You could provide your system sepcs, the important parts are CPU, RAM, and GPU. If you manage to install and run 0 A.D., you can post the system_info.txt it generates in the log folder. "Older" is always relative of course, but for laptops, it's even more of a concern as they will have lower-end hardware compared to a desktop of the same age. Eventually, it would be nice to get to a point where our minimum system requirements (http://play0ad.com/download/) are playable, but it needs a lot of work before that point.
    1 point
  4. Hey there people! I just joined the game today! about me: I'm 21 yo, male, I live in italy, currently on a part-time job while trying to get an academic degree in communications. I have always loved rts games (considering AoE I was my first game ever) and tried a lot of them in the past, but after I grew bored of starcraft 2 and with aoeo closing down, I thought it was over, but now that I've seen this, (came across it by chance while wandering around age of empires online forums) I'm pretty relieved! It's a stunning game, probably one of the best i've seen around! the graphics, the soundtrack, the details of the units and buildings are astonishing for a game in it's alpha stage! sadly though I'm no use for the development of this game, so I will do my best to play it looking for bugs and problems to signale to the devs, plus I will try to make a little donation every month, or whenever that is possible for my limited budget, this is really a great initative! I'll go back to the game now, and check out some civs! see you in game buddies! PS. in case someone wants to play some matches with me, or against me, my in-game name is the same as ths one on the forum, Geodefender. plus i'm a league of legends player too, add me (Theegg7) if you play that too and meet me there aswell!
    1 point
  5. At this point 0AD should "run" on just about any computer. But, I put run in quotes because on anything older than a few years, 0 A.D. would be painfully slow. Edit: I looked up the specs on your laptop... and I have a nearly identical laptop (Shipped with Win 98 I think) with only a few different perprentials (floppy drive in a laptop FTW!), faster clock speeds (Overclocking!), and more RAM (Salvage!). 0 A.D. barely managed to start on it. I would really recommend getting a new laptop, I think ~3 year old laptops off ebay or craigslist go for pretty cheap.
    1 point
  6. The only models from blendswap that are only usable for non-commercial use are the ones marked as Fan-Art. So the artistic works is the same license like 90% of the models of blendswap. As is the 0 A.D. program code itself which is LesserGPL2 license and the AI is GPL2 - both non-permittive for proprietary non-open source works but allowing for open-source but commercial use.. For the Fan-Art models you are correct, we should not use those! CC-0 and LGPL and GPL should do as the program itself have those licenses. Easy to find licenses in a local SVN or GIT copy via find ~/0ad/ | grep license. Though I don't know for the artistic license. Good you mentioned that problem with the Fan-Art, that's important indeed! I've checked the models, they are all free for commercial use, they are not Fan-Art. Not even that one: But it has horned helmet. That's bad. Thanks for the input. So this one will be okay? Interesting, so probably they are completely independent. The details make the different I guess. And construction-wise you are right too - not too much in common. (only because it's all round it must not be equal, my fault!) Cool! I meant not too small a giant. It was just a bigger viking, so no real giant. Yes, something like that sounds fitting. I think so too. Even the Romans had ties to foreign countries like the Asian world in the form of merchants. So I think it's finally difficult to tell who was inspired by whom. Though it's still possible that they developed it themselves. Nowadays there also are many independent scientists that invent many equal things at the same time. Thanks for the links, so this is the correct helmet:
    1 point
  7. 0 A. D. was my second RTS, Warzone 2100 was my first Welcome Lomax
    1 point
  8. Not sure exactly what you're saying here, but if there are files which can only be used non-commercially I would advise against using them in anything that's based on the 0 A.D. content as our license allows commercial use (and that applies for anything that's created based on our content as well as you need to follow the same license for those things), and it's a lot easier if you don't mix licenses. CC-0 should work though as far as I can tell.
    1 point
  9. Hi guys again, long time since I have been here last time. I hope you are doing fine so lets get started. 1. Salamis- A drawing to color is finished, suitable for main menu, need couple of days (i hope 4-5) to accomplish it, while time in my case is scarce 2. My suggestion for loading screen I will develop: Athens with leader holding ship model on right and game info on right side + some info about Athens. And some joke at the end that a bit breaks storms above Salamis... I hope see you soon with some news... Good luck.
    1 point
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