Hey there people! I just joined the game today! about me: I'm 21 yo, male, I live in italy, currently on a part-time job while trying to get an academic degree in communications. I have always loved rts games (considering AoE I was my first game ever) and tried a lot of them in the past, but after I grew bored of starcraft 2 and with aoeo closing down, I thought it was over, but now that I've seen this, (came across it by chance while wandering around age of empires online forums) I'm pretty relieved! It's a stunning game, probably one of the best i've seen around! the graphics, the soundtrack, the details of the units and buildings are astonishing for a game in it's alpha stage! sadly though I'm no use for the development of this game, so I will do my best to play it looking for bugs and problems to signale to the devs, plus I will try to make a little donation every month, or whenever that is possible for my limited budget, this is really a great initative! I'll go back to the game now, and check out some civs! see you in game buddies! PS. in case someone wants to play some matches with me, or against me, my in-game name is the same as ths one on the forum, Geodefender. plus i'm a league of legends player too, add me (Theegg7) if you play that too and meet me there aswell!