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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-29 in all areas

  1. Hi all, have mucked around with this game since version 12 i think, just wondering if i am missing a few things or not. Can you set multiple way points for units and if so can you set loiter times at certain way points ? Reasoning is i would like to be able to set a cavalry chap at the beginning to explore areas of the map without me constantly coming back to him and moving him in small sections at a time. Loiter times within way points - One example, some of your troops have come under attack and can fight briefly then need to retreat or die ( i like to save my troops if i can ) Send some fresh troops to loiter for say 5 minutes at or near the attack point or along the attacked troops line of retreat then have them pull back once the original troops have been reinforced or are back at full health. Does that make sense ? Regarding way points again, the ability to set up small squads of five or so troops to simply patrol an area designated by your way points instead of being limited to guarding one spot. cheers
    2 points
  2. I hope the dev take this as a really good feature for this beautiful game. I think its time we get rid of the ancient aoe way of sending resources to people magically. Instead I propose donkey supply carts. These units should move fairly slowly, and should have a capture option with the resources So let's say now I send 1000 each of the three resources to xyz, I send many many of these donkey units carrying all these resources to xyzs market. Let's limit a donkey units carrying capacity to 50. But the more donkey units get deployed, does not effect population. That or if there's lag issues, probably in crease the capacity to maybe 150 and only a 10 unit limit. This also paves new concepts in the way resources are stored in the game. I propose that grannaries, and a new store house buildings are made limited to a CC's radius, but can be subject to the original one forcing traffic around an empire to constantly supply the city. All of this is actually making gathered resources something that's tangible in the game like it were an entity. So during attacks if you capture a storage house you now have access to that players entire stockpile
    1 point
  3. I can add some mossy patches on the roof (in the texture).
    1 point
  4. You could make a building with a tree graphic for a garrisonable tree. You wouldn't be able to gather wood from it though.
    1 point
  5. You can queue waypoints via Shift-Clicking. I don't recall being able to set them to loiter (though, usually, loitering units is wasted resources/time and in the battle examples, most skirmishes would necessitate in-battle micro which would negate the loiter order).
    1 point
  6. It's an interesting idea and I would be fascinated to play a mod implementing it.
    1 point
  7. It looks better indeed. I don't know if you animate using poses in the action editor, or using IPO curves, but using the later you can remove the "ease in/ease out" that blender makes between poses. Removing them helps you to make the cycle seamless in terms of acceleration of movements. If you use poses in the action editor, you can remove the "ease in/out" motion using the previous pose of the "starting/end pose" before the start, and the next pose after the ending pose. This image should explain it better: (white line and light grey represents the length of the actual animation)
    1 point
  8. It's not really about the effect of closed walls. If walls are used like they are supposed to be used, there's no problem. The real problem arises from people who only want the wall towers, and use them as defense towers instead. They don't have a minimum range (and it's hard to give one without limiting the length of walls), they shouldn't be attackable by regular soldiers, they have a bigger armour, they cost less, ... The plan is to, in some way, bonus the usage of walls like they should be used. With suggestions s.a. non-shooting connectors when you're not using long wall pieces, not letting towers stand allone, ...
    1 point
  9. Extra textures won't make the game a lot slower. It will only slow down the first time the texture is used (so on the first dead), and it will use a bit more memory (but we're not really having memory problems either).
    1 point
  10. I definitely agree with the death textures (not just blood, also paler skin), and I would even have them switch to skeletons over time.
    1 point
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