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  1. Please post here shield types, emblems, weapons, armors and other unit props on the time period that you think should be included. This is my first shield test. Directly from a public domain ptolemaic coin image. Not sure how historically correct this could be. Rounded bolts would be probably be deleted, they're bothering me a little.
    1 point
  2. Nice work, the straight on shots are great! Good job
    1 point
  3. For phases, and maybe heroes trained and wonders as well I think it would work well if Omri would be able to just compose a few short tracks (2-3 seconds or so, maybe five or so for phases). That would really make them feel special + it would mean that the risk of having too similar sounds for different things would be lower
    1 point
  4. i Made one based in my last Ptolmaic Emblem. - post data: sorry for incovenience with First. Enrique's Version.
    1 point
  5. Another test. I made this one fairly quick with blender sculpt tools. I think the most time-consuming part will be hand painting different parts to mask them out in order to use different colors/textures/playercolor. I know the design sucks, but I was experimenting Anyway, there's already a lot of macedonian bronce shields of this kind in the game...
    1 point
  6. Lots of the talk in that forum thread is about optional day and night cycles. If it ever gets implemented, I wonder if it will be a setting toggled for each game (like the population cap) or as a graphics setting preference. If applied individually, players who turn off the day/night cycle off will have an advantage over players who keep it on (that is, if night affects the line of sight of units). It would be cool to have "moving shadows" (shadows that vary throughout the day, like in the real world).
    1 point
  7. personally, i'd recommend these types of sounds (i don't have any examples presently): you could probably just physically record yourself clicking on a mouse button and amplifying the sound to make it more distinct for UI button sounds iirc, some games have had the sound of coins clinking (or something similar) for technology completion, though that may be more fitting for a market a rousing cry (kinda like what the Spartans yell in 300) would probably be good for phase advancement, perhaps even varying between civilizations if that's possible. it could perhaps be that civ's word for, "Onward!" as in "onward into the future", or an equivalent word or phrase ("Forward!" "Let's go!" "Success!" "Yes!" "Hurrah!") actually, now that i think about it, maybe it would be a good tribute to the entire cast for everyone who contributed to the final game and is available to do so to just submit a recording of themselves shouting "Hurrah!" or otherwise cheering and compiled together into a single sound effect for phase advancement across all the civs [*]similar to the above, a cheer would probably be good for when heroes are trained. if possible, there could be varying ones for each hero or for each civilization in their respective languages, or just in English. the onlye xample i can think of is "Hail Caesar!" if Julius himself is a hero (i can't remember if he is or isn't) [*]ominous chanting would probably be best for the wonders, something to evoke awe and mystery in fact, since i've mentioned it, maybe "collective" cheers and other such sounds would be good "neutral" sounds where applicable
    1 point
  8. Yeah, I've never seen their shields using "bolts" along the rim like that. For the backs, just reuse the existing shield back textures: public\art extures\skins\props\shield\... hele_aspis_back_black hele_aspis_back_silver hele_round_back mace_round_back mace_round_back_a mace_round_back_b (I attach some here for example) As for designs, mostly "Hellenistic" shield patterns, with stars, crescent moon shapes arrayed in a circle pattern, and of course the Ptolemaic eagle. The Galatian swordsmen can use the standard Celtic shield patterns. The Nubian archers probably don't get any shields at all (though, we could probably give them a cheap "Nubian Spearman" mercenary at the Civ Centre, like the Egyptians get in 'Age of Mythology'?). Both the Ptolemies and Seleucids will use these patterns here (except pattern 'o' which is exclusively Seleucid, the anchor being the Seleucid emblem): Some more "successor" or "Hellenistic" shield patterns.
    1 point
  9. We need to animate that mill wheel
    1 point
  10. what is the PG rating of the game, and which logos i'll must put. im workig in more advance box. and wallpaper art . i love Ludo's version.
    1 point
  11. I thought the beams made the structures look more interesting Yellow is very predominant and I wanted some dark parts for contrast.The doors are actually single doors, but with beam in the middle. Do they look so impressive?
    1 point
  12. Yee! Just change the PC CD ROM to a cross platform logo (Win, Apple, Linux). Looks nice.
    1 point
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