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  1. 1. Build a dock. (you must be at the 1st phase, so three better ships are locked till you upgrade) 2. You can't click on the icons, but you can press the hotkeys... and they work :-)
    2 points
  2. Is there a current Wiki for 0 A.D.? After Googling for a bit, I found this Wikia which does contain a fair amount of information, but comes off as cluttered to me. Is there a 0 A.D. wiki which is not as cluttered? When I think of game Wikis, I think of something like the EUIII Wiki which is quite clean and uses a MediaWiki template. The template is the same as that used by Wikipedia so navigation comes off as familiar to a user. That being said, it seems like using a MediaWiki template is restricted to people that have their own server and related kit. I am not suggesting that the development team go out and purchase this kit just to make me happy. However, I have thought of organizing some of what I am seeing around the forum into a Google Sites Wiki (see Project Wiki) for my personal use so I can make connections between projects, mods and threads. Are there any rules/laws against me doing that?
    1 point
  3. Would be cute if we could hack the territory manager to show them around the edge of the territory automatically. Just for cosmetics/ambience of course.
    1 point
  4. That would help to differenciate military/civilian at a glance, (and it would look beautiful ^^)
    1 point
  5. Wildfire Games, an international group of volunteer game developers, proudly announces the release of "0 A.D. Alpha 13 Magadha", the thirteenth alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. This alpha features the Mauryan Indians, AI improvements, six new songs and more! Easy Download and InstallDownload and installation instructions are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 0 A.D. is free of charge and always will be. Although you might find some people selling copies of 0 A.D., either over the internet or on physical media, you will always have the option to download 0 A.D. completely gratis, directly from the developers. Moreover, you can redistribute the game and modify it freely as long as you abide by the GPL. You can even use parts of the art and sound for your own projects as long as you abide by CC BY-SA. No "freemium" model, no in-game advertising, no catch. Top New Gameplay Features in This Release All-new and unique Mauryan Indian civilization, including new units, from war elephants to Brahmin priests; and new buildings, reflecting this culture's original architectural style. (See screenshot below.) The default AI, Aegis bot, has been greatly improved, be it at defending, attacking, or building a strong economy. It now supports researching technologies and should work much more reliably than most other AIs before. (Known problem: Aegis now has some issues with saved games. Sorry, we hope to fix this in A14.) Aegis can now play at several different difficulty levels, so beginners can easily learn to play, and more experienced players can get more of a challenge. Attack/move command: If you select units and then Ctrl + right-click on a location, they will go to the location, but also stop to attack enemies they meet along the way. Graphics and User Interface Improvements Helpful messages appear when a building can't be placed somewhere. (See screenshots below.) When you select a place to build a building, the building preview always shows the precise final variation that will be built. When some buildings are built, they now rise from the ground, and some also have lifelike scaffolds surrounding them. Tribute stats added to the summary screen. Players are notified when any tributes are given to them. Music and SoundNew Celtic songs: "Cisalpine Gaul" and "Celtica" (the latter featuring Jeff Willet's percussion),New Hellenic song: "The Hellespont" (also featuring Jeff),Combat music featuring taiko drums "First Sighting" and "Elusive Predator" by Jeff.First Mauryan song: "Land Between the Two Seas."New and improved animal sounds for lions, tigers and bears.Development Updates and Miscellaneous FeaturesUser mod support: See our modding guide to learn how to create your own mods for 0 A.D.The new JavaScript Debugger supports the basic features of debuggers (breakpoints, continue, step calls...), and allows 0 A.D. developers and modders to debug JavaScript scripts used by the game, saving a lot of time to understand some unexpected behavior or issue. 0 A.D. uses JavaScript in many different areas like gameplay logic, UI, AI and random map scripts. Thanks to mmayfield45 for contributing the web GUI. (See screenshot below, and the documentation wiki for more details.) Improved OS X build process, without need for MacPorts or Homebrew. Getting SupportPlease see the "Get Support" page on our website to find ways to get help from the active and friendly 0 A.D. community. We are well aware there is some room for improvement in 0 A.D. Some known issues are: Lag, visual glitches or textures not loaded, missing animations and more. When you provide feedback, we would ask you to focus on some of the other points that could be improved. Thanks. Please Contribute!We are seeking volunteer contributors in programming, art, sound, documentation and more. Programmers are especially welcome and can get started immediately. Interested? Log onto #0ad-dev on QuakeNet on IRC and meet the developers. Also, you are invited to register on our forums and start participating! Why "Magadha"?We name our releases according to development status ("Alpha" or "Beta"), successive release number (1, 2, 3, ...) and a word relating to the ancient world, in alphabetical order ("Argonaut" for A, "Bellerophon" for B, ...). Magadha was an ancient kingdom in northern India from which the Mauryan empire originated. The empire was founded by exiled general Chandragupta Maurya, who overthrew the reigning king of Magadha and went on to conquer most of the Indian subcontinent, as well as parts of Persia and Central Asia. Years later, the third monarch of the dynasty, Ashoka, would become famous for renouncing all violence, converting to Buddhism, and spreading the faith throughout the empire. Ashoka is also remembered as one of the most exemplary rulers in world history for his advanced social and animal welfare programs. Magadha also happens to be the birthplace of Jainism and Buddhism, two of India's historically significant religions. These religions' shared belief in rebirth and karmic retribution most likely derives from the culture of Magadha in the last five centuries BC. In honor of the release of the Mauryan Indian faction, we have decided to dub Alpha 13 "Magadha". For the next alpha, we welcome fan suggestions for words relating to the ancient world beginning with the letter N. Keep it original and related to the time frame portrayed in 0 A.D. (appx. 500 BC - 1 BC)! Subscribe to 0 A.D. Development News Contact info for press, bloggers, etc.: aviv@wildfireORACLEgames.com without the capitalized name of an ancient priest or priestess whom people would consult for advice or predictions of the future.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Hello! Researching about Ptolemies and egypt, I re-watched one of my favourite documentaries and I wanted to share it with you. I'm a documentary addict about practically everything: math, science, energies, history, religion (even some conspiracies! ^^) and specially ancient civilizations and forbidden archeology/origins of man. I discovered this video some time ago, and the content really shocked me (and it's kind of related to 0AD so I thought it was a good idea to share it here ) This is the 3rd part of a 6 part series called "Ancient Knowledge". This part is about pyramids and ancient monuments. If you like this part, I strongly recommend you to start the series from part 1. They're really, really awesome and mind-blowing. I hope you like it as much as I do. (And don't forget to share here some cool documentaries )
    1 point
  8. Just some comments to the video (I more or less painlessly managed to watch it ^^): Whoever tells you he's telling you the "truth", don't trust him. Exactly: The word "exactly" does not fit for any kind of knowledge we have beyond maths. Carelessly in science if a theory withstood many tries to proof it wrong it is assumed to be right or even a fact - though it indeed should be seen as "the closest thing describing reality of all the things we thought of and have thoroughly tested". Still it's the best we got IMO. So all measurements are not at all "exact" but only "extremely precise". Ley-Lines: If you take anything appearing regularly like e.g. phone boxes, you can connect most of them with only a few lines. Still no one would assume that they where placed there on purpose. This effect even gets stronger on the surface of an orb. Meters: It's extremely unlikely that the length unit "meter" was used by Egyptians. This length is just a totally artificial and arbitrary social convention and could be any other length. Same with the convention that speed of light is most of the times given in km/s. That km are 1000 m is a convention as well. So 3 conventions need to be the same back than and now which is extremely unlikely. (I feel ashamed for the Physicist who didn't at least state that if nothing else). If the "main ley-line" would have marked the equator back than the structures would not have been oriented according to the magnetic poles at that time. So at least one of the conclusions have to be wrong (But who knows? They might come up with a theory that they managed to predict when mankind would be able to get their massage and oriented their monuments according to this ^^). What seems indeed quite unlikely to me is that ancient Egyptians cut there stones with other stones. Maybe we have not yet found the tools they used ore maybe they vanished over time so we might never "know". But assuming how they did it does not really help without evidence. I agree with idanwin that historic sciences systematically underestimate the abilities of ancient cultures. But that's mainly because they are cautious (some psychological effects might strengthen this though).
    1 point
  9. I don't trust this at all... They certainly knew more than given credit for, but it is difficult to say how much more. Also, some of the ideas stated as a fact in this documentary are not scientifically proven and should therefore not be stated as a fact, but proposed as a hypothesis. Anything could be chance, you can't just remove that possibility. The documentary does propose some interesting ideas, but having read many books on the tinkering with statistical and scientific data, I have to do more profound research on the subject before I say anything else about it. They lost me entirely at "more advanced civilisation". Interesting series to watch, with a few spoons full of suspicion and criticism. I'm a huge BBC and National Geographic documentary watcher, I read at least 6 scientific journals each month (not including computer science journals) and I can't help analysing things for a deeper meaning when I watch/read/listen (something I got from my prof Latin Mr Mingeot). My favourite writers are Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman because you need to have imagination, knowledge and an analysing mind to fully understand what they are talking about. Some entertaining documentaries I would propose you watch are "Tomorrow's World" (BBC), "Andrew Marr's History of the World" (BBC), "Kingdom's of South America" (BBC), "Drugs Inc" (NG), "Supersized Earth" (BBC), "The Story of Science" (BBC), "How Hard Can It Be" (NG) and The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, which are meant for children, but what the hell ^^, they are soooo good!
    1 point
  10. We've had tons of internal discussion no this. In a nutshell, WFG does not have to be the same experience for every contributor. There are different levels of commitment that can be given by contributors based on their availability and desired involvement, from paid temporary or permanent full-time and part-timers (contractors), to those who we give commit and forum privileges to (staff members), to (last but certainly not least) open sourcers whose involvement is akin to a hobby. We feel that WFG has room for all of these people. It just so happens that my personal and professional life right now allows me to make the leap and take the commitment of being a full-time contractor for WFG. What that will entail is a laundry list of things, but suffice it to say what I will be doing and how I'll be doing it will be as transparent as possible, including livestreaming, daily blogs, weekly videos, and constant availability via IRC, forums, Skype, e-mail and cell phone. We feel such commitment from a project leader who will be able to make decisions and develop the game on a full-time basis will be a huge asset to development as we push to go Beta and then on to Gold release. And ideally, I'd love to grow WFG to the point of having at least 2 other paid developers around the globe or more, for a truly 24/7 coverage of team members able to make crucial decisions on a moment's notice and assist contributors on an around-the-clock basis, but that's just a long-term goal in my head. For now, starting with one person is just the first step. And just because I'd be a project leader does not mean other voices are ignored. In fact, we are consolidating procedures on how to make voices more effective, via our treasury and design committees, and making the design forum available to everyone. I'd be able to facilitate that kind of openness on a full-time basis. And in regards to money, I think we should go ahead and release monthly expense reports available to all fans and contributors. Please join the e-mail list on the play0ad website.And all of this we'll go into exhaustive detail in the next month or so as we put together the crowd-funding pitch. As an aside, zoot, I would love to see you and alpha123 and a couple of other contributors join the team.
    1 point
  11. We definitely will both summarize the results of and the use of the money from the previous two campaigns, and most importantly what we've learned from them and will do differently this time
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Thanks Erik and welcome Michael Maybe you could summarize on how the funds for the previous two campaigns were used to incentive a third campaign.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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