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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-04-12 in all areas

  1. Hello! Researching about Ptolemies and egypt, I re-watched one of my favourite documentaries and I wanted to share it with you. I'm a documentary addict about practically everything: math, science, energies, history, religion (even some conspiracies! ^^) and specially ancient civilizations and forbidden archeology/origins of man. I discovered this video some time ago, and the content really shocked me (and it's kind of related to 0AD so I thought it was a good idea to share it here ) This is the 3rd part of a 6 part series called "Ancient Knowledge". This part is about pyramids and ancient monuments. If you like this part, I strongly recommend you to start the series from part 1. They're really, really awesome and mind-blowing. I hope you like it as much as I do. (And don't forget to share here some cool documentaries )
    2 points
  2. Hi, we posted it already on Trac http://trac.wildfire...com/ticket/1881 but maybe it's of interest here too. A friend and I played multiplayer 2vs2 on alpine valley versus two Aegis bots and kept getting OOS at some point. When using qBot we were able to finish our games. Please tell me if you need any further details and if there is something we can help with.
    1 point
  3. idanwin : so you need to do a gmail account, not a youtube account And if you haven't facebook.. Don't be so protectionist, and be happy other posibilities exists ! That's why 0ad exists : to offer another posibility than aoe, same for dailymotion than youtube !
    1 point
  4. I basically do the exact same thing quantumstate does, use everything that isn't hunting before starting on farms. Unless its a random map like Cantabrian Highlands, there usually isn't enough fruit bushes, fig trees, and/or apple trees for foraging to be viable, herding is comparable to foraging in viability (corrals really need to work the way they are planned for herding to be viable), and hunting is generally too much of a hassle to be practical. The Mauryan Worker Elephant gives the Mauryans a slight boost in foraging, herding, and hunting, though it still usually isn't practical to herd and hunt even with the Worker Elephant.
    1 point
  5. I think running/charging can(well, should, really) be delayed until after the pathfinder. I believe that however we look at it, it's going to be linked to that issue somehow and this will stall progress, which would be inefficient. Trample damage on the other hand sounds reasonably easy to do. Conversion and Building Capturing would require a proper guideline. There have been many discussions about building capturing (latest things being, I believe, the topic I did about that a few months ago). A member of the design committee could look into that, make a few different propositions and then it can be decided upon once and for all allowing the programming to actually start. (note that again, I'm saying this strictly informatively, since I have no time to work on it. Reading the forum already makes up most of my pauses ).
    1 point
  6. Not sure I follow. All of my french friends have facebook, so I don't see why that is a problem. Also you can just make a youtube account and do nothing with it except upload videos...
    1 point
  7. I agree, Fabio. Perhaps 1 major, 1 medium, and 1 minor game performance upgrade. I think this should be a standard thing for each release, whether we have 4 more or 100 more alpha releases.Let's say what we can accomplish: 3 major gameplay features 3 minor gameplay/UI improvements 3 Performance upgrades 3 major art improvements (can be replaced by a new faction release when applicable) and 3 minor art upgrades. In each Alpha. How much time would that take? Let's look at past Alphas for reference!
    1 point
  8. Note that it wouldn't really fix the fleeing issue. That's mostly because an attack anim starts, stopping the attacking unit, and then by the time the actual hit should be there… The unit is gone. Rinse, repeat. That's all in the ticket.
    1 point
  9. I actually tried to implement a packable civ center (and it works I will put a patch in trac soon when I iron out some details). However, a civ center should not be able to unpack everywhere, at the very least not close to another owned civ center and absolutely not on enemy territory. It would be too easy to capture large tracts of the map or severely limit another player (e.g., imagine building your civ close to the enemy's civ center, hereby rendering this player unable to expand). Another problem would be defense. Being on the move makes it hard to defend yourself against raids, making nomadic civs an easy target late in the game. Being nomadic means no fortified walls or other heavy defenses, so that requires a solution.
    1 point
  10. I feel like Stances could be simplified. Specifically the number of existing stances reduced and the remaining stance behavior tweaked and a few other behavior features rolled into stances, rather than being presented as separate features. I think the (selectable) stances should be: Aggressive: Attack anything that comes into sight. Defensive: either attack anything that comes close, or attack and pursue anything that attacks them first. Stand Ground: Do not move, even if attacked. Will attack back if possible, but will remain in position. Removed: Violent: The difference between this and Aggressive is not intuitive and really not all that impactful. Passive: I can't really foresee a player choosing for his units to not fight back when they are being stabbed. 'Stand Ground' is the more useful stance. Other stances that exist, but aren't selectable (aren't shown in the UI because they are more like 'behaviors' than stances): Avoid: For most females who are attacked, skittish animals, etc. Others? These are behaviors/commands that could be either grouped with Stances or grouped near stances: Scout: Clicking this will send the unit scouting around the map automatically (but at reduced armor or some other trade-off for reduced micro). Units will also use the Avoid stance behavior. Conceptually, this used to be seen as a separate feature, but I think it could be grouped near or with stances quite easily (conceptually for the player). Search & Destroy: The unit will roam the map with 'Attack-move' as its motion behavior. Useful in late-game to find those last remaining enemy workers. Conceptually, this used to be seen as a separate feature, but I think it could be grouped near or with stances quite easily (conceptually for the player). I think doing the above would make stances more useful and impactful, while removing a couple of superfluous choices for the player.
    1 point
  11. For the training buttons they look too pixelised, that should be fixed with anti-aliasing, which we don't have ... The unit portrait buttons look marvelous though!
    1 point
  12. I see. Not that it is that much of a feat (because it isn't at all), but i got to silver league using only cannon rush/4-portal rush. Problem is... You don't have time to build enough colossi, much less to train high templars. But whatever, this isn't about Starcraft, i was just trying to say that Idanwin is right in the sense that some civs have a strategy difficulty advantage agaisnt others. And Burzum, i strongly disagree with you. I won't discuss it here, it isn't the right place, but if you want to explain your point in another topic in the off-topic discussion area, i'll show you mine, too.
    1 point
  13. I can't do everything at once :-) I have a life too ... well ... not that much of a life as I seem to be online 24/24 on wfgf ... but still xD
    1 point
  14. I would say that it would be a great feature to see by far in game. More city building elements is always a plus to me.
    1 point
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