I think, my friend, you need to re-read your history No scholar any longer believes that stuff about the dark age, instead the use the word Christendom. If you read the Catholic fathers you'll see that Catholicism had to fight against a lot of Roman beliefs and other pagan ideas. Once you do this, you will also see that the basic Catholic beliefs then, are the same basic Catholic beliefs now. And Catholicism took a lot from all cultures, not just Roman. Philosophy from the Greeks, the Bible from the Jews and other things from different cultures as the ages progressed, which is why it is called what it is. Catholic means universal, hence it spread across all cultures, yet it doctrine is the same everywhere. Before attacking a living religion, you might just want to get the real facts from it, instead of repeating some age old hate speech (which is both heinous and outdated) Also as a reply to everything else you said, Roman invented very little new things if you go to compare it all, but what it did was it took all the good things from all the other civilizations and spread them abroad, unlike the Greeks, who imposed their culture on the people they conquered. I'm not on the Roman side here, I just wanted to point it out to balance the bias The whole "Rome is superior" mentality has originated from the Renaissance and we should very careful from anything that comes from that time, because, frankly speaking, the Renaissance was very biased in this area.