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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-09-04 in all areas

  1. Hello 0 A.D. community, Here's a map for the taking if anyone who wants to use, or play it. The map is inspired from a castle named Molivos Castle on the island Lesvos off the West coast of current day Turkey. A link to the Wiki page for more info of the city that houses the castle: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithymna Enjoy! Lesvos Castle (2).pmp Lesvos Castle (2).xml
    4 points
  2. Do you have the same mods ? Are your ports properly forwarded ? But most importantly why do you use Hamachi when you could just use direct IP, or even better the game lobby ?
    2 points
  3. MAP NAME: Riverway Hello again, new random map to share. DESCRIPTION: This map is specially made for 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 team game as you can see. At each extreme of the river you can find gaia units protecting treasure bounty. Catch it if you can! All resources are concentrated at the middle so be fast to defend your territory ! Try it and give your opinion! DOWNLOAD LINK (mod) nani_maps_v0.10.0.pyromod AUTHOR: @nani COAUTHOR: @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  4. Bamboo would be nice for Indian maps (and mods). Here's what bamboo looks like in Age of Empires III How they look in other 3D programs: And some natural examples:
    1 point
  5. Yeah, but it's actually very unconfortable ahah yep Btw still thank you so much, I did manage to garrison what I needed except for walls, but they're not a big problem
    1 point
  6. Tarde routes around America(pre Columbia) Most of post talk about Olmecs were Africans descendants. https://www.ancient-origins.net/history/forgotten-voyagers-ancient-mexican-merchants-who-took-seas-008591 ######### What techniques were used to help people utilize the natural resources? That they had three techniques to aquire natural resources: Slash and Burn They Burn the growth in the area, then the burn and use it as nutrition for the soil. Terrace Farming To farm in mountainous areas, they make terraces in mountains. Raised Field Farming In low lands they dug up the mud and shaped it into raised fields that rose 2 to 4 feet above the water canals that surrounded them. Fish swam in these canals and provided fertilizer via their droppings. Plants grew on the canals like the water lily, helping to keep the canals from drying up, and farmers would use the plants as fertilizer. Mayan house. How carry goods... Mayan "Tumpline"
    1 point
  7. They using same method as Egypt or Easter Island (Rapa nui.) For trading they use riveras, but they don't have animals to carry things. like the Andineans.
    1 point
  8. Ok, done. Thank you so much for your support!! This is my final Gauls_vs_Romans.js: The only problem now is garrisoning units on the siege wall, but I'll try to solve this problem, which is less important than garrisoning in 80 tents and so many wall towers
    1 point
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