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  2. and/or use nani's corpses.max e.g. "autociv.session.graphics.corpses.max": 50, https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/blob/master/moddata/autociv_default_config.json#L11 or/and use a command (during the game play) as soon it starts getting slow (helps also a bit): https://github.com/sl5net/autocivp/blob/master/gui/common/functions_utility~autociv.js#L1320
  3. alr bet. you'll see atleast 10 more Indian players after march (final exams ends)
  4. Today
  5. I think 0AD is not using GPU that much, uses less than 50% every time, but AOE4 always uses 95% of GPU, when I try to change window to something else everything is stuttering, i.e, every other apps will run slow while AOE4 is running (plus I had screen recorder on). I think we should be more greedy in terms of resources. this was openGL, Vulkan is Better than this.
  6. Temos um mod muito ambicioso porém ainda em sua fase inicial:
  7. tip: set to 150 or/and use kate mod.
  8. Why? - Less lag + better pathfinder - PhyZic wants his donkey mill back.
  9. Yesterday
  10. I'm trying to run or recompile A23 on Linux from the source_code.zip on releases.wildfiregames.com How can I do that? I will post SpiderMonkey errors below if that helps.
  11. We are happy to announce that the beloved Sunday-Pro Games are back! Sunday Pro Games is a weekly community-event, where the best and most exprierenced 0 AD players gather for challenging teamgames, together with those who have been following this game for many alphas. The event strives to not only provide entertainment to the specatators, viewers and players, but also to improve the overall gameplay by showcasing uniqe new strategies, tactics and high-level execution in a somewhat competitive environment. Statistics on wins/losses and possibly extra points rewarding players that rush or are creative will be kept. There might be some visual awards for the winners ! This time the event is organized by Ginnungagap and me. Should you be intrested in supporting the event, please get into contact. When will the event take place ? Every sunday between 20:00 and 22:00 UTC in the upcoming weeks. Who can play ? Theoretically everyone ! It is only required to show up at the correct time and join the dedicated host. The best players present will be assigned to the player slots. Who that is is decided by the trusted hosts and the players organizing this event. They will try to find and set up team compositions that lead to a fair and pleasureful game.The present players voices and opinions will be heard. Players with unclear identiy that use smurf accounts will be considered last. What are the game settings ? 8 Players, 4v4, 200 pop limit, low starting resources, allied vision enabeled. The map will in case of doubt be mainland. Special maps may be announced before the game. How do we ensure a friendly environment ? We will encourage streamers to show the games. Players and spectators represent the 0 AD community and are therefore asked to remain polite and objective in their criticism. In case of severe violations of the 0 AD code of conduct or generally bad conduct players may be kicked from the game, muted and not considered for the following games. Good conduct does include not resigning early without communicating with the rest of the team, especially if one player should find himself in a bad spot after some things didnt work out as planned. Also spectators revealing anything that players can not see including writing "gg" counts as bad sportsmanship and will be followed by corrective measures. What mods can be used ? 0 A.D is a game by modders and for modders. There are no specific restrictions on mods. Obviously mods that include scripted unit behaviour or reveal information that would otherwise not be available are not allowed. For the sake of the succes of this event, we kindly ask you to use that freedom responsibly. Further information will follow !
  12. are your a26 numbers including autociv? The feature that turns off bodies is pretty impactful when big fights are happening.
  13. I can see that the idea of being able to build roads that would give a speed bonus through an aura is shared between many people... :-) the speed of units per default can also be reduced a bit not to have to fast mouvement on the roads. I would put the speed bonus as a fixed value, not a %, so it would have proportionally a bigger impact for slow moving unit. Finally, I have no idea how the path finder works, but it would be great if it was configured to find the quickest way, not the shortest. In that case, the speed aura of the road could potentially be taken into account. Now, all the civ could have the possibility to lay down track. Only the roman could lay down roads, with higher stone cost but higher benefit.
  14. (shame on me but I am not really able to do so)
  15. Thanks for the good ideas! I don't know what we should do with all the great ideas - ideally we should create a repository for ideas for future discussion. These may currently look complex to implement but possibly at a later time they may become feasible. Anyway the game being only in its 20s; I am sure there is still a lot of potential Here is another collection and discussion hidden inside the forum: ... Says somebody who never contributed any thing to the code.
  16. @leopard if you can do combat demo huge with better than 20 fps at minimum, please join us.
  17. But ... isn't this somehow suggesting - in addition to the subjective player view who is my ally and who is my foe as per my own diplomacy settings - that we have a way to show the actual/de facto alliances independent of my personal settings? My diplomacy settings express only my wish or my belief that I am neutral with or an ally to someone. It would be good to have a way to actually see who is related and how as factual status. I acknowledge this is now getting complex. Obviously, there is a difference between desired or perceived alliance and actual alliance. So it seem that either we need to enter into that additional complexity or we need to update diplomacy settings automatically when the status changes.
  18. Feldmap is updated to A27 and is now available for download in mod.io! (version 2.0.1). Once again, I invite players to try out rarely played biomes since they are balanced! Minor changes: - Straggler berry tree balance - Better animal variety on some biomes, compared to A26 - Make the "Player Placement" gamesetup settings visible in the "game description" panel, and in the Objectives tab in game, together with the other relevant settings. Major change (EXPERIMENTAL!): Added long range mineral (Stone and Metal) balancing. The quantity of mineral in areas near a player is very variable, but is balanced in the end. There can be variety in the types of mineral groups: a player may be given a 5000 mine while another gets multiple small ones. It is long range balancing, but not infinite: there are neutral areas where stone or metal is up for grabs. In vanilla Mainland, to partially compensate for the lack of mineral balance, mineral mines are very spread out. There are constraints so that mines don't get placed too close to each other, reducing the probability of a large imbalance. But this also made the map more plain as a result. Since mineral balance is added in Mainland Balanced, I also reduced the possible distance between mines. So it makes it possible to have areas very rich in metal, and other not at all. This can make interesting game configurations. Also, the long range balancing code has been made generic and very easy to include in other maps, so down the line I intend add resource balancing to other maps. Food balancing could be also integrated in that framework, but it's not there yet. Known problem: Right now, it clearly favours small mines against large ones. This can make some ugly maps. And sometimes it gives too many mines overall. I plan to fix that eventually. But this means that I may give up the "variety of group size between player" feature, especially if I want to merge resource balancing into the next release.
  19. minimum requirements?, A27 has performance issues even if I use good enough PC that can play AOE4 without any stuttering at all.
  20. Could we schedule a "fast PC" TG for this weekend? I expect that those with really slow computers or adversely affected setups like @Meister are slowing turns for everyone, leading to many reports from players that otherwise have good performance. However, I have never really tried to verify this is the case. If we get a 4v4 where everyone has ideally >20 fps (min) in combat demo huge (found in scenarios -> demo maps -> combat demo (huge)), we can make sure that this is really the cause. I'd like to do it on Sunday, maybe when we did the a27 RC test, 18:00 UTC. @MetaPhyZic @BreakfastBurrito_007 @Ginnungagap, and any others that have good performance in a27.
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