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Adding units to Petras training manager


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I would like to know how to add units that aren't trained to be registered by petra (e.g. like Meroitic swordsmen, Napatan temple guards, most of the cavalry for persians, etc) as it always bothered me that the ai never fully took advantage of their faction's roster. 

I'm currently in the process of looking through some Petrabot stuff on the wiki, but I would appreciate a guide as a shortcut.

Also, is there a reason why healers aren't trained in any other game mode apart from regicide? Or has higher priority stuff slowed down updates for them to be competently used by petra? I feel like ai playing factions like Kush could benefit from it. 


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10 hours ago, CovenantKillerJ said:

is there a reason why healers aren't trained in any other game mode apart from regicide?

Petra has healers with the lowest priority. Combined with the resource requirements etc. the situation where Petra would train healers in normal operations is almost non-existent.

It trains healers in regicide because hero management is delegated to the victory manager which assigns guard units and healers to the hero entity.

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