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Assertion failed - .pyromod Compilation Error

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Hello, so this it not the first time i tried compilation my mod into a .pyromod file to make it easier for people to use the mod with a single click. But anytime i try to use 

binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mymod -archivebuild="binaries\data\mods\mymod" -archivebuild-output="mymod.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress

in my case should look like 

binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=godseye -archivebuild="binaries\data\mods\godseye" -archivebuild-output="godseye.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress

everything is successfully but if i try to open <modname>.pyromod mode i get an err_

Function call failed: return value was -110300 (Insufficient access rights to open file)
Location: file_system.cpp:182 (DeleteDirectory)

Call stack:




errno = 13 (Insufficient access rights to open file)
OS error = 32 (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)

This error seems to be emphasizing on the file size, and later it talks about insufficient access rights 


Assertion failed: "m_fileSize >= off_t(minFileSize)"
Location: archive_zip.cpp:446 (ArchiveReader_Zip::ArchiveReader_Zip)

Call stack:




errno = 0 (No error reported here)
OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

and then one more error


Function call failed: return value was -1 (Function failed (no details available))
Location: wsysdep.cpp:387 (sys_StatusDescription)

Call stack:

While generating an error report, we encountered a second problem. Please be sure to report both this and the subsequent error messages.
errno = 0 (No error reported here)
OS error = 87 (The parameter is incorrect.)

@Stan` @Freagarach what could possibly cause this? File size limit exceeded? Compiled with wrong version?


Edited by rossenburg
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First you might want to preload the mod mod and public mod as well, using the -mod= switch, as your mod might depend on them.

Then the size says 1kb, so I have my doubt it actually worked at all. Also the message another process using the file already might mean the creation is still ongoing. Not seeing any output to the terminal suggest the actual worker thread detached somehow and pyrogenesis returned early? Not using Windows, so can only say that looks suspicious.

Just renaming a .zip to .pyromod also works.


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