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It all depends on which era you want the Romans in 0ad to portray. The Marian reforms completely changed the Roman Army, and all Legionary soldiers became proffessional soldiers and were volunteers (in fact the Romans would pick the volunteers for the army based on physical build, especialy height).

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We have chosen to represent the Roman army as seen during the 3rd century BC to roughly 100BC when the Marian Reforms kicked in. There are five major eras of the Roman army one could portray:

Pre-Punic (hoplites, Etruscan influence)

Punic War


Imperial (Dacian Wars, Invasion of Britain)

Late Roman (4th to 5th centuries)

Obviously we can't do all of that and it is unlikely we would make all of them, but plans are in place for the Imperial Romans and a good chance for Late Romans in Part II. Obviously this is all dependant on Part I being released.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some translatoins to help out (who said latin wasn't worth taking at school)

Infantry Slinger - Funditor is a soldier armed with a sling (funda)

Big Ship - Quintireme is not something I can find reference to, but quadrireme is a ship with 4 banks of oars. However a navis oneraria is a merchant or transport vessel.

Ram - Aries means ram whether it is an animal, zodiac sign or battering ram

Priest - Sacerdos is a priest

Female Worker - servus means slave, serva means female slave, and servula means a young female slave...one for every occasion.

Trader - mercator means merchant and is probably the best fit.

I'm afraid I haven't been able to work out siege tower yet, but I'll see if I can sort it out.


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  • 2 weeks later...
So would I actually biggrin.gif My brother and I actually created a sci-fi universe over the course of 3 years, complete with 8 main races and dozens of minor ones. We designed probably over 200 ships, with technical readouts and armaments, along with tanks, apcs, artillery, landing craft, hover-bikes, rifles, grenades, side arms, knives, body armor, languages, cultures, buildings, mythology, and customs.

Try www.zompist.com if you already haven't. That is the place for nerds who are into this sort of stuff to hang out (and yes, I do go there). I think somebody with the the time and effort to plan out something like this will fit right in.

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roman units i think should include

hastatus-heavy infantry, no chainmail, pila and gladius

princeps-heavy infantry with chainmail, armed with pilum and gladius, better than hastatus

triarius-spearmen-veteran, heaviest infantry armed with hasta and gladius


rorari-skimisher- youngest members of roman army

Velites- like the rorari, lol, skimishers :) sorry i had forgotten about them. lol

italian cavalry- romans did not have their own cavalry, their strength was their hardy infantry, their relied on their allies to supply cavalry, samnites, lucanians, etruscans, gauls, germans.

cavalry should be divided into skirmishing cavalry, and heavy cavalry armed with a long spear, overhand.

thats as much as i can say for romans,

Their allies, italians, were more greek in their warmaking, comprising of phalanx formations, heavy infantry like romans, axemen, good skirmishers, funditores, and sagittarii

Good enough????????????

Edited by illyrian
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  • 5 months later...

The proper name for the 5-row ships is "Quinquereme" not Quintireme. First used by the Carthaginians, 1 was eventually captured and then the Romans used them pretty heavily during the Punic Wars. Particulary the 2nd.

And illyrian, the Romans did too have their own cavalry. The Equestrians were the name for Roman cavarly. Most were rich citizens or up-and-coming young senators trying to gain military experience. However, they were largely used alongside 'better' allied cavalry.

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"The proper name for the 5-row ships is "Quinquereme" not Quintireme. First used by the Carthaginians"

I thought the Syracusans invented them? Or is that the four row ship... :/

As for Greeks, you'll certainly have hoplites, Spartans, pezhetairoi and toxotoi - that's a start!

Oh, and hetairoi, naturally. And peltasts. Maybe hypaspistai, or is that too much Macedonia?

Edited by Esus
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Alas, Esus you are quite right. The quinquereme was indeed first invented by the Syracusans, sometime during the 4th Century BC. And, they did too also invent the quadrireme. And according the a wikipedia article, they were invented because there was a shortage of skilled oarsmen to sail triremes. The quads and quins maximized massed muscle-power rather than a smaller number of more skilled oarsmen.

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Mythos... these right?

Heavy Infantry


Spartiate homoioi



Hieros Lochos??


Light Infantry

Toxotai (in screens)

Akontistes or Peltast (not sure which name you'll use)


basic Psiloi?

Heavy Cavalry




Light Cavaly

Hyppikontistes? Maybe as another Thessalian unit



Ram? I hope so.













I also have a dream...


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