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Archaeological potpourri

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Neandertaler klebten Werkzeug mit Urzeit-Uhu

Forscher haben einen 40.000 Jahre alten Klebstoff entdeckt, mit dem Neandertaler ihre Werkzeuge reparierten.
Scientists discovered 40,000 years old glue Neanderthals used on their tools; the two compounds (ocher and bitumen) apparently had to be fetched from far away locations, adding complexity to this achievement. I think this lines up nicely with ~recent discoveries that the Neanderthals were capable of much more than they were given credit for earlier.
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4 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:

I didn't like the clickbaity title and you might think he steers too far into conspiracy territory; but the footage sure doesn't look like an archaeological site should be treated.

I don't see anything unusual, you should compare Pompei and Gobekli Tebe. Both are not entirely excavated and won't be in a close future.

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