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Disruptive players not welcome in my hosted games - Norse_Harold's rules


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There have been some problems with certain players being disruptive, so I have decided to implement rules for my hosted games in the lobby.

In order to ensure that everyone has fun, here are the rules for games that I host. These rules apply to players and spectators.

Additional players who have chosen to apply these rules to games that they host: Yekaterina.

Summary of Norse_Harold's rules for hosted games

1. Get along with the other players.

2. Play the game fairly.

3. If you are a spectator, avoid disrupting the game. Also, request permission if you need to speak a language other than English in global in-game chat.

4. Do not blame other players for a setback or failure in the game.

5. Don't resign or leave early in order to grief your team.

6. If you must leave, send a global message in the game stating the reason. Don't leave too many times.

7. In team games you are expected to act like a teammate.

8. Be honest about your level of skill during team assignment.

9. Follow the Terms of Service, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy that Wildfiregames has established for lobby games. WFG terms take precedence over these terms.

10. By connecting to games that I host you agree to follow these rules.


The binding text is listed here, starting at line 20. It has the full text of the agreement with explanations of why the rules are necessary.

Thanks for reading and supporting an enjoyable experience for all players! Anyone who also wants to implement these rules for their hosted games, let me know and I'll inform people of that in the full text of the agreement. Alternatively, copy/paste the text to your own website and send people a direct link when you're organizing games.

Edited by Norse_Harold
Revision 2021-10-09. See ChangeLog for details.
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7 minutes ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

Why this rule?

Spectators are required to speak English when they speak in global chat so that I can verify that they are following the other rules, especially rules preventing ghosting (telling people information about players that is cheating) and verbal abuse of other players.

It's explained in the full text of the agreement. What I've posted here on the forum is only a summary.

9 minutes ago, BreakfastBurrito_007 said:

Also, you know you can just use /ban and get rid of any player you want to ban.

Yes, I know that. I am explaining what is expected of players before they play in a game that I'm hosting instead of afterward. It's the courteous thing to do, and it's required in order to establish an agreement like Terms of Use. Also, I prefer that people voluntarily support these rules instead of being forced into it through banning.

Also, remember how disruptive players act when they're punished. They tend to act like it's an injustice to be punished, that the rules weren't stated, that they have a right to play in a game that someone hosts. They may try to convince the unbiased player base that they were unfairly banned. This list of rules is an effort to establish the ground rules ahead of time instead of allowing an appearance that rules are being made up arbitrarily in order to unfairly ban players.

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1 hour ago, go2die said:

Just question: how you avoid people "hinting" player over other voice chats :-) so text in-game seems ridiculous... As you have open gate which is even unable to proof  or check...

Is this even a common problem? It should be clear that this not a nice action. As a spec you cannot whisper to  a player for a good reason...

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@Norse_Harold I agree with your rules. I will apply those to all the games I host as well. I think I can add 1 more rule:

Spectators must not spam nonsense in global chat, as this will seriously distract players from focusing on their micro. An example of such spam is 'mountain people snow people...' or 'follow the white rabbit...'  if you know what I am talking about. 

Exempt cases: if you need to talk to one of the players there urgently, or if all other players don't mind you having a chat with 1 of the players there. 


Voice chat... come to my discord https://discord.gg/cTaZXvr8

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Okay, we played a couple of 4v4 team games with these rules on Friday. Things went smoothly, other than 2 warnings issued, and we were able to focus on the games. There were several suggestions, so I have updated the rules according to those suggestions.

If anyone can translate the rules to other languages then it would be much appreciated.


  • Thanks for the suggestion from PrincipalityOfZeon that some of these rules might be perceived as attempting to override the terms of Wildfiregames' agreements. Rules 8 and 9 were revised as a result.
  • Thanks for the suggestion from KnightWhoSayNi and SPACECOMMANDER that languages other than English might be necessary under certain circumstances. Rule 3 was revised as a result.
  • Thanks for the suggestion from Yekaterina that spectators must not disrupt gameplay with chat spam, but off-topic conversations may be allowed under certain circumstances. Rule 3 was revised as a result.
  • Thanks for the suggestion from KnightWhoSayNi that there should be a limit to how long the game is kept paused if a person leaves the game without saying anything. Rule 5 was revised as a result.
  • Thanks for the suggestion from AUTISTICUS that players should try to transfer resources if they must leave, and there should be a limit to how many times a person leaves on an emergency basis over the long term. Rule 6 was revised as a result.
  • Rules 3 and 4 were revised for consistency of grammar, and in order to use simpler sentence structure.

Most of the edits are in the full text of the agreement, not in the summary.

Edited by Norse_Harold
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On 07/10/2021 at 9:53 PM, Norse_Harold said:

There have been some problems with certain players being disruptive, so I have decided to implement rules for my hosted games in the lobby.

In order to ensure that everyone has fun, here are the rules for games that I host. These rules apply to players and spectators.

Additional players who have chosen to apply these rules to games that they host: Yekaterina.

Summary of Norse_Harold's rules for hosted games

1. Get along with the other players.

2. Play the game fairly.

3. If you are a spectator, avoid disrupting the game. Also, request permission if you need to speak a language other than English in global in-game chat.

4. Do not blame other players for a setback or failure in the game.

5. Don't resign or leave early in order to grief your team.

6. If you must leave, send a global message in the game stating the reason. Don't leave too many times.

7. In team games you are expected to act like a teammate.

8. Be honest about your level of skill during team assignment.

9. Follow the Terms of Service, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy that Wildfiregames has established for lobby games. WFG terms take precedence over these terms.

10. By connecting to games that I host you agree to follow these rules.


The binding text is listed here, starting at line 20. It has the full text of the agreement with explanations of why the rules are necessary.

Thanks for reading and supporting an enjoyable experience for all players! Anyone who also wants to implement these rules for their hosted games, let me know and I'll inform people of that in the full text of the agreement. Alternatively, copy/paste the text to your own website and send people a direct link when you're organizing games.

how funny would it be if every 0ad player created a thread like this

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9 minutes ago, bad player said:

how funny would it be if every 0ad player created a thread like this

"Funny" in a good way or "funny" in a bad way? Also, why only send one sentence in response to numerous paragraphs of text? Do you have specific constructive criticism? For example, what would be the consequence of all players applying rules to their games? Then the problematic players wouldn't have anywhere to go? *sniff* Think of the problematic players! Oh, the humanity!

Thanks for bumping the thread, at least. That helps advertise the ideas.

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