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Are There Words That Make You Look Like A Champ

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I have tracked down a few words during school from my teachers. Words that I think make someone look good at German.

Here are some translations. The list is quite long, but I will post only 5 here to leave room for more suggestions. For some there are no real translations. At least I could not find any, someone enlighten me on the matter, please. ^_^

topic-ize (verb for topic...to talk about a special thing)

prognosize (lol; verb for prognosis)



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Let's improve our English. ^_^

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That isn't a word though, it is more a phrase.

One word:


Go here for some definitions. There are many.

This is an urban dictionary, that is, user submitted definitions, but they look ok.


Here is another, may find more useful:


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Here are a few to start:

polysemous - having many meanings

quaff - to drink (usaully pretty quickly)

prevaricate - to go around the truth

circumvent - to avoid by going around something (we like to say "to circumvent the truth", which would mean to prevaricate ^_^)

circumlocution - using so many words when you are talking about something you miss the point. (or it can be deliberate)

malediction - slander or harmful words towards someone.

diction - words, that is as in a choice of words used as a whole.

volition - either a choice or the act of choosing

assuage - to lessen something (pain usually)

alleviate - assuage

ameliorate - to recover or get better (usually in regards to health)

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yeah most 'tion' words are the same in french (pronounced 'shee - on' instead of 'shun' of course)

deus ex machina - a third party comes in and saves the day (i think)

supererogatory - going beyond necessity

uxorious - get bossed around by the wife

defenestrate - throw out the window

tergiversation - being ambiguous

*sign up for dictionary.com's word-of-the-day email for lots of cool words.

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'deus ex machina'

I may as well say something on this before someone else does (or, even worse, nobody does)

It's the term used, particularly when referring to dramatic arts, for the force, person, or device that intervenes to fix up loose ends (or gaping holes) in the plot. Literally, (a) God from the machina - a machine used to suspend actors (representing the Gods) above the stage in Greek theatre.

And the winner of the most use of parentheses in a short post goes to...

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