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save paths linux mint


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says save path is located as follows

For most data created during the game (replays, screenshots, savegames):

  • ~/.local/share/0ad/
  • I do not seem to have this directory on my linux mint system
  • Where else should I look?
  • I'm trying to delete multiple game saves
  • Thanks
  • 21819 is the release number for 0ad
Edited by mgj3030
To add solved
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Here my directory list(  not under applications here either)

Don't see it under /home/user/local/share either unless it is further down yet.

So what am I missing?

mj@gb:~$ ls -a ~/.local/share/
.                       mc
..                      nano
applications            nautilus
cinnamon                nemo
codeblocks              pep8-simul
dirlist                 recently-used.xbel
flatpak                 rhythmbox
gegl-0.3                shotwell
gsettings-data-convert  Trash
gstreamer-1.0           vlc
gvfs-metadata           webkitgtk
icc                     xplayer


// tree gives the following  //

mj@gb:~$ tree  ~/.local/share/
├── applications
│   ├── mimeinfo.cache
│   └── userapp-par2-VO3AVZ.desktop
├── cinnamon
│   ├── applets
│   ├── desklets
│   ├── extensions
│   └── search_providers
├── codeblocks
│   ├── plugins
│   ├── scripts
│   └── templates
│       └── wizard
│           └── console
├── dirlist
├── flatpak
│   ├── db
│   └── repo
│       ├── config
│       ├── extensions
│       ├── objects
│       ├── refs
│       │   ├── heads
│       │   ├── mirrors
│       │   └── remotes
│       ├── state
│       └── tmp
│           └── cache
├── gegl-0.3
│   └── plug-ins
├── gsettings-data-convert
├── gstreamer-1.0
│   └── presets
├── gvfs-metadata
│   ├── home
│   ├── home-8574f168.log
│   ├── root
│   ├── root-0abfaec5.log
│   ├── uuid-1bc6cf05-eb9a-4637-a9a9-5cb7dccb5fa5
│   ├── uuid-1bc6cf05-eb9a-4637-a9a9-5cb7dccb5fa5-2ad54a1b.log
│   ├── uuid-57A9CA1365820752
│   ├── uuid-57A9CA1365820752-71e87c44.log
│   ├── uuid-70a17b1d-781a-4d31-a670-ef93448e8eac
│   ├── uuid-70a17b1d-781a-4d31-a670-ef93448e8eac-57f88d48.log
│   ├── uuid-e99e639e-81b9-4699-9b18-734a3b269e19
│   ├── uuid-e99e639e-81b9-4699-9b18-734a3b269e19-e9308a77.log
│   ├── uuid-f55ef5dc-27ac-4d06-9116-df9e70c0c8eb
│   └── uuid-f55ef5dc-27ac-4d06-9116-df9e70c0c8eb-90215f04.log
├── icc
│   └── edid-54ee5485709a5211960daee3f4c3e82a.icc
├── keyrings
│   ├── login.keyring
│   └── user.keystore
├── mc [error opening dir]
├── nano
├── nautilus
│   └── scripts
├── nemo
│   ├── actions
│   └── scripts
├── pep8-simul
│   └── QtWebEngine
│       └── Default
│           ├── GPUCache
│           │   ├── data_0
│           │   ├── data_1
│           │   ├── data_2
│           │   ├── data_3
│           │   └── index
│           └── Visited Links
├── recently-used.xbel
├── rhythmbox
│   ├── playlists.xml
│   ├── podcast-timestamp
│   └── rhythmdb.xml
├── shotwell
├── Trash
│   ├── files
│   │   └── Music -> /mnt/20tb/__0__Music/
│   └── info
│       └── Music.trashinfo
├── vlc
│   └── ml.xspf
├── webkitgtk
│   └── localstorage
├── xplayer
└── xviewer-wallpaper.JPG







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Hate to say this but I don't remember for sure.  0ad is usually the first gameI install so normally it is from software manage

If I knew the saved file name I just walk away and us find from root .  (This computer has 60 tb hence the walking away

Edited by mgj3030
mispelled hate(
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I know that I used flatpak to install atom.  Does flatpak give actual installs or just a list of possible installs?   0ad is in the "flatpak list"  output . I believe linux mint software manager has flatpaks installs within it although it might have been the flatpak working packages I am thinking about.


As far as the snap question any certain place to look?

I looked in /var/lib/snapd/snaps but it only has directory named partial .

Thanks by the way. :)

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is apparently where they are saved.  I haven't deleted them yet and check but I can see quite a few files that looks like them.  Thanks for the tip about flatpak,  I searched the web and found some one asking where did his files go on a different program.  Might I suggest that this be added to the wiki, can I do it or does a more privileged person has needed.


P.S>  All the yellow bricks have been re purposed to smash windows during our peaceful demonstrations we have today.  Unfortunately our government could not reach a agreementon  how to repair the road.  Some even suggested that it would be better to leave it the way it is now to cut down on emissions.

Edited by mgj3030
corrected miss spelled word
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