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Creating a unit? PLZ HELP


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I was trying to make an rome_legionair with a bow and without the shield. I tried the tutorial for creating a new unit but i get stuck. I keep doing it wrong so i need to see how somebody else does it.

What would help me here is an videotutorial with step by step guide. I really want this to know!!! Cause i love your idea and philosophy. I hope that in time i can help you guys out.

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Try to stick closely to the tutorial http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/CreatingNewUnits

It will teach you the basics, and you'll get more ideas as you advance further.

The instructions there are very clear, just follow each step. and try to create a Gallic axeman. Then, see if it will appear in-game after you finish working on it. Goodluck :)

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I would just edit existing actor and copy-paste code from a archer actor.

While for us, seasoned modders, that might be trivial, I can perfectly understand that that's hard to do for a starter.

I suggest, like wackyserious does, to follow the tutorial exactly from beginning to end (and create a Gallic Axeman). That way you'll get some feeling with how those templates work. After that I think it's fairly easy to modify a Roman Legionnaire into an archer.

Edited by niektb
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Thanks guys I appreciate it! i´ll try it again. But every time i make an shortcut, target it to pyrogenesis.exe and expand it with -mod=testmod it says that my path is invalid.
I don't use SVN i just downloaded the game. It may give you an image on how bad iam at this at this moment. Give me a year;). Again keep doing what you guys do!

Still, i believe if you expand your existing tutorial with an youtube with all of your steps. than wel... you get less silly question like mine:P

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You can try a more direct approach, as what wowgetoffyourcellphone have suggested.

You can download the necessary files here https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/master/binaries/data/mods/public if you don't want to use SVN (SVN file size is quite large, 5-6gb, I think? But is really worth it, you'll have access to the latest things.)

Step 1 - Create a simulation file for your archer unit (Niek's tutorial will teach you how to make one)

Step 2 - Copy the Persian infantry_archer_b, infantry_archer_a, infantry_archer_e actor files at https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/master/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/units/persians

Step 3 - Replace the textures, props or anything else that you want to change (You just need the animations and some props from the files that you copied)G

Goodluck! :)

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I manage to make it into a mod. i can see the mod in the mod selection. i even see imperial archer in the list of the atlas editor. but then i get.

Oke it say's

CCasheloader failed to find source file for art/actors/units/roman

and CObjectmanager: Findobjectbase cannot find object: units/romans/roman_imperial_archer.

thanks for the tips to all:)

thanks for the tips to all:)

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Uhmm, did you addressed the actor files properly in the simulation files?

Example: Simulation file for cart_infantry_archer_b.xml should have the following actor file as its visual actor: units/cart/infantry_archer_b.xml

b= basic , a= advanced, e= elite



Make sure file path/locations are addressed properly

I forgot to mention, if you want the unit to be a citizen_soldier type, you should use citizen_soldier simulation templates, (i.e. infantry_archer_b to e) vice versa, use champion simulation templates for champions units

Simulation templates (or defaults) can be found here, https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/master/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates

Also, if you want to use citizen_soldier "actor files" for champion units, you can remove the harvest animations and other props and things associated with gathering, champion units won't be needing it.

Edited by wackyserious
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How can I upload my zipped folder to this forum?

My workstructure is



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_archer">
<Entities datatype="tokens">
<GenericName>Roman Legionnaire Archer</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Imperial Archer</SpecificName>

aahh @#&#036;% my bad. entered it to soon:)

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First!!! haha how do you upload an zipped folder on this platform?

I copied it all except the json. file

Structure of the mod

Foldermap: Testmod_1

used: macedonian archer simulation and actor. Edit animation and probs from legionnaire(champion) 4

Simulation/ templates/ units/ rome/ rome_imperial_archer_a



Simulation/ templates/ structures/ rome/ rome_fotress

Art/ actors/ units/ rome/ imperial_archer_a




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<actor version="1">
<variant frequency="100" name="Base">
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="102"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="95"/>
<animation event="0.81" file="biped/inf_arch_atk_a.psa" load="0.16" name="attack_ranged" speed="90"/>
<animation event="0.5" file="infantry/sword/attack/isw_s_off_05.psa" name="attack_slaughter" speed="100"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/dude/dudewalk.psa" name="Walk" speed="100"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/move/run/isw_s_off_01.psa" name="Run" speed="30"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_01.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_02.psa" name="Death" speed="700"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_03.psa" name="Death" speed="500"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_04.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_06.psa" name="Death" speed="500"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_07.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_salute_c.psa" name="Promotion" speed="450"/>
<prop actor="props/units/heads/rome_head_veteran.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/quiver_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
<prop actor="props/units/heads/rome_imp_gallic_g.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
<textures><texture file="skeletal/rome_su4_imperial_legion.dds" name="baseTex"/></textures>
<variant frequency="100" name="Idle"/>
<variant name="attack_ranged">
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
<variant name="attack_slaughter">
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/knife.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<actor version="1">
<variant frequency="100" name="Base">
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="100"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="97"/>
<animation event="0.84" file="biped/inf_arch_atk_a.psa" load="0.16" name="attack_ranged" speed="90"/>
<animation event="0.5" file="infantry/sword/attack/isw_s_off_05.psa" name="attack_slaughter" speed="100"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/dude/dudewalk.psa" name="Walk" speed="100"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/move/run/isw_s_off_01.psa" name="Run" speed="30"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_02.psa" name="Death" speed="700"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_03.psa" name="Death" speed="500"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_04.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_06.psa" name="Death" speed="500"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_07.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_salute_c.psa" name="Promotion" speed="450"/>
<prop actor="props/units/heads/rome_head_veteran.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/quiver_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
<prop actor="props/units/heads/rome_imp_gallic_g.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
<textures><texture file="skeletal/rome_su4_imperial_legion.dds" name="baseTex"/></textures>
<variant frequency="100" name="Idle"/>
<variant name="attack_ranged">
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_short.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
<variant name="attack_slaughter">
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/knife.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<actor version="1">
<variant frequency="100" name="Base">
<animation file="biped/inf_sword_ready_a.dae" name="Idle" speed="100"/>
<animation event="0.81" file="biped/inf_arch_atk_a.psa" load="0.16" name="attack_ranged" speed="90"/>
<animation event="0.5" file="infantry/sword/attack/isw_s_off_05.psa" name="attack_slaughter" speed="100"/>
<animation file="biped/walk_spearshield.psa" name="Walk" speed="120"/>
<animation file="infantry/sword/move/run/isw_s_off_01.psa" name="Run" speed="30"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_01.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_02.psa" name="Death" speed="700"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_03.psa" name="Death" speed="500"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_04.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_06.psa" name="Death" speed="500"/>
<animation file="infantry/general/death/inf_07.psa" name="Death" speed="400"/>
<animation file="biped/inf_salute_c.psa" name="Promotion" speed="450"/>
<prop actor="props/units/heads/rome_imp_gallic_g.xml" attachpoint="helmet"/>
<prop actor="props/units/heads/rome_head_veteran.xml" attachpoint="head"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/quiver_back.xml" attachpoint="back"/>
<prop actor="props/units/shields/rome_scutum_legionnaire.xml" attachpoint="shield"/>
<textures><texture file="skeletal/rome_su4_imperial_legion.dds" name="baseTex"/></textures>
<variant frequency="100" name="Idle"/>
<variant name="attack_ranged">
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/bow_recurve.xml" attachpoint="l_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_back.xml" attachpoint="loaded-r_hand"/>
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/arrow_front.xml" attachpoint="projectile"/>
<variant name="attack_slaughter">
<prop actor="props/units/weapons/knife.xml" attachpoint="r_hand"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="template_structure_military_fortress">
<History>Fortified auxillary camp.</History>
<Entities datatype="tokens">
<Technologies datatype="tokens">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="units/rome_imperial_archer_b">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="template_unit_infantry_ranged_archer">
<Entities datatype="tokens">
<GenericName>Roman Legionnaire Archer</GenericName>
<SpecificName>Roman Legionnaire Archer</SpecificName>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="units/rome_imperial_archer_a">
<Promotion disable=""/>
I hope this will give you a better image of what im doing wrong:)
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