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5 minutes ago, AIEND said:

papyrus, coffee

I'm not sure if papyrus should be used as a plantation or a factory in Egypt, because the most exported crop by the Egyptians is wheat, and I don't know if papyrus is ever grown artificially, maybe the Egyptians just harvested the papyrus from the wild .

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1 minute ago, AIEND said:

I'm not sure if papyrus should be used as a plantation or a factory in Egypt, because the most exported crop by the Egyptians is wheat, and I don't know if papyrus is ever grown artificially, maybe the Egyptians just harvested the papyrus from the wild .

barley too.

-----with coffe--------

The earliest credible evidence of the drinking of coffee in the form of the modern beverage appears in modern-day Yemen from the middle of the 15th century in Sufi shrines, where coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed in a manner similar to current methods.[2] The Yemenis procured the coffee beans from the Ethiopian Highlands via coastal Somali intermediaries and began cultivation. By the 16th century, the drink had reached the rest of the Middle East and North Africa, later spreading to Europe.

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1 minute ago, Lion.Kanzen said:



以现代饮料的形式饮用咖啡的最早可靠证据出现在 15 世纪中叶的现代也门苏菲派圣地,咖啡种子首先以类似于当前方法的方式烘焙和酿造。 [ 2] 也门人通过索马里沿海中介从埃塞俄比亚高地采购咖啡豆并开始种植。 到了 16 世纪,这种饮料已经传播到中东和北非的其他地区,后来传播到欧洲。

However, the staple food should be placed on the farmland to produce food. If the staple food can also be regarded as a cash crop, the Indians can also export rice, and the Chinese can also export millet.


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3 分钟前,Lion.Kanzen 说:





The point is not which food crops, because almost all ethnic groups will sell food as long as there are high yields.
And we hope to separate the farmland from the plantation area, one produces food crops and the other produces cash crops.
Do Iberians have other special cash crops?

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Every civilization should have a kind of plantation, a factory and a small family textile industry.
The mediterranean, for example, were olive groves, pottery factories, and linen.
The Chinese are tea gardens, lacquerware factories and silk and satin.
Indians are spice gardens, pottery factories and cotton cloth.
Persians are date palm forests, blanket factories and woolen fabrics.
Iberians are vineyards, goldsmiths and linen.
The Celts were vineyards (Britain seemed unsuitable for growing grapes), leather factories and woolen fabrics.
Egyptians were papyrus gardens, pottery factories and linen.
Kushites are coffee gardens, pottery factories, and linen (or cotton?)

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12 hours ago, AIEND said:

Every civilization should have a kind of plantation, a factory and a small family textile industry.
The mediterranean, for example, were olive groves, pottery factories, and linen.
The Chinese are tea gardens, lacquerware factories and silk and satin.
Indians are spice gardens, pottery factories and cotton cloth.
Persians are date palm forests, blanket factories and woolen fabrics.
Iberians are vineyards, goldsmiths and linen.
The Celts were vineyards (Britain seemed unsuitable for growing grapes), leather factories and woolen fabrics.
Egyptians were papyrus gardens, pottery factories and linen.
Kushites are coffee gardens, pottery factories, and linen (or cotton?)

Grapes for Greek civs in DE. :) 


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1 小时前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说:

葡萄 为德国的希腊公民提供的 :) 


I have a question now, if the commoners are gathering metals from the vineyard, should the delivery go to the granary or the warehouse? How to do the special collection and transportation animation, if you take a fruit basket, is it easy to confuse it with edible fruit?

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10 minutes ago, AIEND said:

I have a question now, if the commoners are gathering metals from the vineyard, should the delivery go to the granary or the warehouse? How to do the special collection and transportation animation, if you take a fruit basket, is it easy to confuse it with edible fruit?

In DE, it's Coin, so I simply make the Farmstead a dropsite for coin as well as food. You could use the berry gathering animation to make it look different from grain gathering. There really isn't much confusion to happen, honestly. 

Edited by wowgetoffyourcellphone
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54 分钟前,wowgetoffyourcellphone 说道:

在 DE 中,它是硬币,所以我只是将 Farmstead 设置为硬币和食物的投递点。 您可以使用浆果采集动画使其看起来与采集谷物不同。 老实说,真的没有太多的混乱发生。 

What I think about is how not to add new types of resources. To be honest, it is not impossible to use a warehouse as a recycling point.

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