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Entity ID shouldn't be changed.


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I remembered that this edge bug was reported by @Darkcity and labeled as release blocker.
Another bug that occur with this map is that if you play Hans and upgrade CC, you'll be considered defeated because your CC id has changed.

Ideally entity id shouldn't be changed on upgrade, pack/unpack, or anything. This results in this kind of complications. I also would love to track some statistic per entities but this is making it difficult.

2nd bug:  Currently upgrading pers immortals while they attack can sometimes trigger an error in Unit_AI. IIRC it's not related to the id change but rather make range manager fail. @real_tabasco_sauce

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39 minutes ago, Atrik said:

Ideally entity id shouldn't be changed on upgrade, pack/unpack, or anything. This results in this kind of complications. I also would love to track some statistic per entities but this is making it difficult.


@Atrik could you provide a minimal replay of the bug(s) so we can open issues?

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  • Stan` changed the title to Entity ID shouldn't be changed.

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