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Trouble following Atlas BuildInstructions

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Hello, I have some struggles when trying to build Atlas on Windows 11 / VS 2022

I have read the Instruction here : https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/BuildInstructions#building-atlas (and also https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#BuildingAtlas just in case)

I don't really have knowledge on C++ building and co so I'm probably missing some obvious step :D

I have downloaded wxwidgets "latest stable release (3.2.6)", opened build\msw\wx_vc15.sln and following the build instruction (Debug / Release) and copy lib\ include\ in the corresponding folders (no error/ difficulty at this moment)

when running : 'update-workspaces.bat --atlas'

I just get an "Error: invalid option 'atlas'", also tried to edit the .bat to add the --atlas directly in the premake command, same thing ...

I launched without the --atlas options,( I tested removing the lib \include folders, and the script tell me "wxWidgets not found, disableing atlas", so I guess the --atlas is simply not required anymore ? )
but now, when trying to build "atlas" (I tested all Atlas*, I don't even know what I have to do) I got a bunch of LNK 2001 / LINK2019 error on AtlasUI (and no AtlasUI.dll builded)

I also tried with "wxwidgets older stable release (3.0.5)", since the readme suggest 3.0.4 or above, but it didn't provide "wx_vc15.sln" (max wx_vc12.sln) so ...

And I can't launch the scenario editor from the builded game ("Not available or failed to load")

I just don't know what I'm missing :D

And, I take the opportunity, I have also some trouble with git (lfs) since, maybe two day ? when trying to rebase my local branch on upstream (your repo) I got errors ! I don't really think I have broken something on my side, It worked like a charm since my last PR ?

Error downloading object: binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.xml (597f783): Smudge error: Error downloading binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scenarios/triggers_demo.xml (597f783921069100aeffa31ed33d300
5c2bc3d5298020ae2e805752bdb25bebc): [597f783921069100aeffa31ed33d3005c2bc3d5298020ae2e805752bdb25bebc] Not Found: [404] Not Found



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Hi, firstly atlas is built by default so you don't need to specify it with a flag. There only exists a flag to disable it. 

Secondly, to compile atlas, you need some old version of wxgtk (maybe wxgtk2). On Windows, you need to install wxgtk then reboot your system for it to take effect. 

With git-lfs, I recommend you just re-download all in a clean folder.

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19 hours ago, eZamus said:

And, I take the opportunity, I have also some trouble with git (lfs) since, maybe two day ? when trying to rebase my local branch on upstream (your repo) I got errors ! I don't really think I have broken something on my side, It worked like a charm since my last PR ?

@eZamusAs far as I know, the only documentation on how to fix that is this section on the wiki: Recovering from errors while syncing your fork.

Edited by andy5995
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