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Hi everyone!

How are you doing? It's been looong, long time since my first appearence to the forum. My contribution has been limited, but nevertheless I enjoyed the ride! :)

I disappeared for some time, and pretty much abruptly, due to changing life circumstances: among them, a new country, new job and life.  In the meantime I had to abandon a lot of collateral interests, including beloved games, to focus on the new changing environment.

But I still have sweet memories of my first attempts at modding the main game and I wanted to look back at some of the fun of early days. So that's how I've been digging to old files and folders to retrieve some experiments.

It was during this search that I discovered how my work has been updated and distributed on Mod.io!! WOW!! I was so surprised to discover that and also so, so happy to see my experimental efforts to be appreciated by the wide community!! 

So, I only wanted to take the chance to give huge THANKS everyone who put effort to expand this work and make it available to everyone:

@Andronikos Medina and @Lopess for the constant support (I don't forget you guys!), @asterixand @wowgetoffyourcellphonefor updating the files and making them available. @Stan`for being the phenomenal leader/artist/developer that he is! :cowboy:

And, in general, everyone that has build this amazing game and community throughout the years with hard work and passion. It's really amazing to see the results and progress multiply over the years. Thanks everyone and best wishes for the new release as well!! :gunsmilie:

Is going to be fun!! :D


Ad maiora semper!



Edited by Radiotraining
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Speaking of mods... I have a technical question to you guys..! ;) (sorry to bother..!) 

I tried to retrieve some old files but I found a lot of incompatibilities with the newer versions of the game. Also, I tried some more recent mods out there (mostly on Github), but I encounter the same problems (mostly they're optimized for A27 and I run a A26 version of the game)


So my question is: beside updating the main .json file .. how is possible to make a mod compatible with whatever version of the game..? Should you change the single files manually to adapt to new changes? How do I know which ones to change? 

Maybe more stupid question: how can I retrieve a log file of all the istances that have presented an issue with the mod's version..? 

 Thanks in advance and sorry again to bother with specific questions :ninja:


(Maybe an answer could serve also as purpose to other people facing the same issues..?)

Edited by Radiotraining
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Thanks! To be honest, I tried. But I get errors when I open a game (missing CC, GUI problems or something like that).

But maybe is because i changed the dependency number altogether in the mod.json (instead of <= o = > ). I don't know if that could be also the issue :unknw:

I'll put my hands there again and see! ;)

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1 hour ago, Radiotraining said:

Thanks! To be honest, I tried. But I get errors when I open a game (missing CC, GUI problems or something like that).

That's why using >= is bad because each new version might break everything

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11 hours ago, Stan&#x60; said:

That's why using >= is bad because each new version might break everything

Exactly!! I guess I experienced it first-hand :D

That was also the reason of my question: if, in that case, we gotta change the single files manually to adapt them to a newer version (?)

And, if so, how do you proceed with that..? I mean, which files and how to change them? Is there a list of incongruences that you can retrieve somehow (like a logfile of all the errors and the lines to fix..)?


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11 hours ago, Stan&#x60; said:

That's why using >= is bad because each new version might break everything

Exactly!! I guess I experienced it first-hand :D

That was also the reason of my question: if, in that case, we gotta change the single files manually to adapt them to a newer version (?)

And, if so, how do you proceed with that..? I mean, which files and how to change them? Is there a list of incongruences that you can retrieve somehow (like a logfile of all the errors and the lines to fix..)?


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Just now, Radiotraining said:

That was also the reason of my question: if, in that case, we gotta change the single files manually to adapt them to a newer version (?)

When it breaks™. Basically each new version you need to check if the file was changed.

2 minutes ago, Radiotraining said:


And, if so, how do you proceed with that..? I mean, which files and how to change them? Is there a list of incongruences that you can retrieve somehow (like a logfile of all the errors and the lines to fix..)?

You can go on Gitea to see the last modification dates and see what changed by looking at the commit message.

Each release has two pages. A list of major changes and a small porting guide.

You can help by enriching the later :)


Every errors are logged in a file called interestinglog.html

See this page for where to find it https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/wiki/GameDataPaths

This file is wiped on each game start.



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