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The computer game jerks in multiplayer

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Hello Community,

I have noticed that the multiplayer game keeps jerking. Both when I play alone against bots and when I play against other players in LAN. When moving the field of view over the map or the game figures stop for 1 second and then they move on. It's totally annoying. This is the case on 3 tested computers. Is there a reason for this and can it be turned off?

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26 minutes ago, Tobias said:

Hello Community,

I have noticed that the multiplayer game keeps jerking. Both when I play alone against bots and when I play against other players in LAN. When moving the field of view over the map or the game figures stop for 1 second and then they move on. It's totally annoying. This is the case on 3 tested computers. Is there a reason for this and can it be turned off?

What kind of computers are you running the game on? The only time I've seen it appear is on a raspberry pi. I believe this is Spidermonkey's garbage collector which unfortunately cannot be disabled. Maybe @Itms might know more.

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It sounds more frequent than the GC, and it looks like the user can trigger the issue through graphics-related events (seeing details, moving the camera), not simulation-related events, so I don't believe it is related to SpiderMonkey.

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7 hours ago, Tobias said:

When moving the field of view over the map or the game figures stop for 1 second and then they move on.

Can you use OBS-Studio to record a video of what's happening please? Enable FPS overlay first in settings. I'm curious whether rendering totally stops during that time or just the physical simulation.

Is there a pattern to the conditions where the problem occurs? For example, maybe the problem only occurs when there is a lot of activity and a lot of units on the screen. Or, maybe the problem only occurs when there is not much activity.

I experienced a problem with regular short freezing of the game, more like stuttering every few seconds, when there were not many units in the game, as it was a freshly started match. It turned out to be caused by power saving features on the CPU. When I configured power saving features to run the CPU at 100% all the time then the stuttering stopped. My theory for why power saving would cause stuttering when the game is mostly idle is that the power profile switching delay, which is on the order of hundreds of milliseconds with certain CPUs, was causing the stuttering.

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Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

thanks for the comments. Here you get a video. The stoppers are very short on this computer because it has a lot of power. They occur both when the game is freshly started and when I play for 2 hours. I play on this PC under Linux (Core i5-11500). I have also tested it under Windows. My Windows laptop has less performance (Core i5-4300U). There the stoppers are a bit more noticeable and longer but I can't make a smooth screen recording with it :D

In the video, the game figures always stop for 0.5 seconds

If you want a video in 1080p then tomorrow


Edited by Tobias
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Hey, thanks for the video.

While I do not know the exact reasons the game is lagging for, you could try

  • to lower the graphic settings, especially shadow quality, see if that makes things better.
  • to upload the hardware reporting logs of the game for all the machines experiencing this issue. See: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths Mainly we need system_info.txt and userreport_hwdetect.txt :) 
  • Another thing reported by @Norse_Harold would be to check the power plan of the Windows laptop(s) and make sure they're plugged when playing.
  • Another long shot would be as @hyperion proposed on IRC would be to check if you are using an IGPU if increasing the video memory in the bios help.
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9 hours ago, Tobias said:

In the video, the game figures always stop for 0.5 seconds

From watching the video, it seems like the game is totally freezing regularly. The FPS ranges between 100-somethnig and 20-something. This doesn't seem normal to me, and I would look for competing applications and services or hardware issues.

If this problem occurs with other 3D applications, and you have ruled out competing applications or services, then consider thermal throttling on the CPU or GPU as an explanation. I would use software, preferably that which is recommended by your CPU or GPU brand, for monitoring temperatures of those devices and whether thermal throttling is occurring. I recommend Intel Extreme Tuning Utility for Intel CPUs. Please tell me what brand of GPU (graphics accelerator) you have, unless it's built into your Intel CPU. And, check the rated maximum operating temperature for each.

A solution to that problem would be to clean your computer's CPU and GPU heatsinks of dust and hair. Avoid removing the heatsinks from those processors, though, as it can require specialized tools and materials in order to properly reassemble the thermal interfaces.

A stop-gap workaround could be to configure 0ad to use an FPS limit of, say, 50 or 60 FPS. The setting is in Settings, Options, Graphics (general), FPS throttling in games.

Edited by Norse_Harold
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thanks for help. I am currently working on a Linux desktop PC with Intel Core I5-11500 with IGPU.


- lower shadow quality -> no change
- no shadows -> no change
- logs are attached
- I am currently on a Linux desktop PC with full CPU power
- The IGPU video memory is 64 MB and is maxed out

- thermal throttling on the CPU does not happen. Under Linux you don't need extra programmes to read the CPU and GPU temperature. With the command "sensors" you get all temperatures of the devices displayed. When playing, the maximum temperature is 58 °C
- FPS limit set to 60 -> no change

system_info.txt userreport_hwdetect.txt

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3 hours ago, Tobias said:

The IGPU video memory is 64 MB and is maxed out

Try entering the BIOS settings interface and adjusting this setting. I advise using at least 256 MB for the video memory, but I would personally choose 1 GB. As far as how to do this, your motherboard's manual should explain it.

Ensure that you have your power adapter connected to your laptop whenever gaming. Many laptops activate a reduced power and performance mode when they are not connected to AC power. Some activate a reduced power and performance mode when the battery isn't fully charged. And, have you tried setting the power profile to high power on your Windows laptop?

The equivalent of that on Linux is setting the CPU frequency scaling governor to performance.

The level1techs discussion that I have linked has other suggestions, such as setting the CPU affinity with taskset, ensuring you have adequate swap space configured. etc I would suggest using an amount of swap that is between 0.5 times and 1.5 times your RAM amount.

The fact that the stuttering happens with two separate computers, running different operating systems, implies to me there there could be something in common that's causing the problem. I think it's the CPU frequency scaling delay, which is ruled out if the problem still occurs while the power profile is set to high or the CPU frequency scaling governor is set to performance. Maybe it's the iGPU video memory setting. Maybe it's certain software that you have installed on both systems. Maybe it's something else that they have in common.

Edited by Norse_Harold
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Another thing could try is reducing the game's resolution through the config user.cfg

borderless.fullscreen = "false"
xres = "1280"
yres = "720"

This should also work

pyrogenesis \
  -conf=borderless.fullscreen:false \
  -conf=xres:1280 \
  -conf=yres:720 \


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