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Found 4 results

  1. 《Cambyses II》 Cambyses II is marching his army to conquer and rule over the whole Egypt as the first foreign ruler and the first Persian Pharaoh. That would mark the end of Egypt's independence and the beginning of Persian rule over the region. Cambyses II's conquest of Egypt was part of the larger Persian Empire's expansion into various territories. Cambyses II becomes the Pharaoh of Egypt after his successful subsumption of Egypt into the Persian Empire. In doing so, Cambyses II was given the Pharaoh name of Mesuti Ra, beginning the 27th dynasty (the first Egyptian Satrapy), which lasted from 525 to 404 BCE. A Pharaoh name was a significant tradition for Egyptian royalty as it highlighted the perception of the pharaoh as being a vessel for the gods, and therefore, a divine being in their own right. 4 Players: 1. Cambyses II(Persians) 2. Hippias(Athenians) 3. Psamtik III(Egyptians) 4. Cleomenes I(Spartans) Revealed Map Unlimited Sources for all "Requirements" Installation of 0 A.D. alpha 26 + Millennium A.D Mod "File Paths" Mac: User/Application Support/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Linux: Home/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios Windows: Documents/My Games/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios ●Mithra Shakiba● Acheamanid Empire II.pmpAcheamanid Empire II.xml
  2. Some time ago I create the first emblem but have copyright the image so... this time I improve all my versiones. First I will start with the eagle.
  3. Guys, here are a few XML files for the maps I have finished. along with some Images of things im working on. Stay updated for more maps..... suggestions welcome. Done: The Cove Desert Sands In progress: Valley of the kings Mayan Cenote Island The Canyon Brazil Desert Sands (2).zip The cove (2).zip
  4. Guys, Been working on a map called " The Valley of the Kings" a Giant 2 player map, When the valley is a hot spot for excavated goods (Stone,metal etc) Players must work hard as in the valley, there is no water. animal Husbandry & berries are the only means of food compete against your neighbor with open desert play. Let me know what you think... If people are interested, once its done, ill post the XML file. Suggestions welcome. J
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