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Everything posted by AuroN2
And why is it always "More Powerful yet more expensive"? Nubians werent even a faction, they were the @#$%es of the pharoh of Egypt to put it lightly.
make sure whales though, arent a metal source XD
EVERYTHING predates Avatar, theres not one thing in that freaking movie, thats been thought up by the directors or whatever, NOTHING.
Yes but when you get perfection at the very first run, its probably not the 'first run' as people - or the makers say it is
Osh where will the resources for the defence force come from? not gathering sets you back quite a bit, 'specialy vs pros ;o
Or do it the simpler way, make them unable to trade metals, gather or use metals, as they didnt use metals so far as we are concerned,
Im sure that this is already planned no?
Mattering on when 0ad comes out, mattering on how far my careers go, if i get stuck into one at all, i might be able to assist, Etruscans MIGHT work if we had any information on them, theres like, A single yet comical book on them to my knowledge, and any 'scripts' that they had.. if they had any, would have been burnt by the romans, so uh, unless we go by guess, no Etruscans. Minoans were an independant civilisation that got whooped by phoenecia to my information, they had the sea for a hundred years, then Phoenecia had the seas, hence trade, then becoming carthage, and forming a massive trade empire. NOTE: its 1:30 AM and I'm not so sleepy, but i think i might have addled brains XD
Next year would also be prefferable, as it would be.. 50x better than the current, not saying its bad, just lacks the features i would like, and it will get.
Keep it in your pants!
Thanks, just wanted to see if it is possible, but heck that would be nasty,
Instead of instawin for "allyourbasearebelongtous", make it do something Ve'e'e'e Silly!
I got quite a bad computer, but that makes things noticable, such as start up speeds etc, windows 7 takes 2 minutes to start up, vista 1.5, xp, .5 minutes, timed it personally and multiple times, as for operations, windows 7 takes 5 minutes to start up IE by itself, half a minute to start up anything non internet based, and xp/vista do so instantly, which is quite sad.
Personally i would add a shitload cities, possibly Osca or Numantia in iberia (im not sure if they were built at the time though)
And rather quickly too no doubt, ultimate rushing tactic.
Most probable, as they are in atlas, that means they will (hopefully) be in the next alpha.
Not just the expansion, its in the vanilla too, same with total war games, im asking the devs if its possible to get the functions from the total war (or rtw specificaly) campaign maps in their... (forgot the name again, and no i dont mean game)
I meant to be vague, i wasnt being specific in anything in particular apart from WHAT I SAID? I meant, as i said, the campaign map, you know, the one called "campaign map"? Im sure you have played RTW as you have made statements about it (i think it was you o.O) You would have played the campaign, no? you know, the one with cities towns and armies scattered all over it? (*facepalm*)
Same, i got internet AFTER "the zone" for 1 and two closed, which was a pity, or it just never worked in aust, i dunno.
woah these forums are really dead, 30 views 0 comments, ouch.
isn't microing controlling single units effectively? thats how i do it o.O
if i remember correctly, units will, like in praetorians, individual in groups, (or can be) to enable the ability for formations etc, so units will be individual, but you can command them in groups aswell as seperately.
Raiding ftw, raiding will be especially good with th persians, alot of cheap infantry, fast, so you can just mob people gathering and run away, and i can imagine veterans and elite units (light ones who survived many raids) would definately do well as raiding, as it would be tough to kill the @#$%s. Turtling and raiding will be better than eco booming it seems in 0ad, as raiders/boomers who are good will have loads of veteran/eliteu nits and so they will win more battles with their stronger units, ouch.
Totaly smexy. almost master debation material