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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. gudo I fully support your initiative here.

    Renewable resources become functional for those of us that enjoy slower games. It's not just the functionality that renewable resources provide, your proposed system provides a deeper game experience by creating a living, growing environment. Brilliant for immersion.

    @edwardlongshank's comment about how long it takes for resources to replenish - I don't think we should worry too much about 'time' - in 0AD we spawn humans in 10 seconds...

    Regarding where flora and fauna spawn - it should probably be in places away from human activity. Perhaps trees only grow back in place of trees that were previously cut, unless the spot is being used for something else now. I'll think about it some more.

  2. How's the economy handling itself at the moment, anyone?

    I think it's doing well until all the resources nearby are depleted. After that gatherers travel long distances to get more resources. It would be nice to see Jubot building at least one more CC somewhere on the map (an area with plenty of resources).

    I do like it's defense an attack strategies a lot! Perhaps a few more siege units earlier on - I've only ever seen it build 1 or two, and those are very late in the game.

  3. Looking forward to your AI's military improvements. After you left IRC yesterday I tried out the updated qBot, and it did what you said it would.

    As you well know, there are still quite a few improvements to make to its economy, most importantly making citizen-soldiers gather resources (and therefore stop blocking access to the cc for other gatherers). If you can make this AI as aggressive as you are in a multiplayer match, then I'll be very happy ;)

  4. Splitbot, for some reason or another, places foundations in locations where they can't actually be constructed (i.e. trying to build a house that is half inside a stone mine.) I think SplitBot may not actually consult the collision map when deciding where to place structures.

    I've seen Jubot doing that today too, building a house inside a farm, it's not just Splitbot.

  5. Great idea I think, so no movement between canyons what so ever?

    The canyons don't have to span the entire map - each player starting position should be reachable by all other players.

    Edit: For example you could have a large deep canyon in the middle (gray areas), but it can be walked around on the top layers (green):


    That's just one idea, you guys should decide what you would like to work on :)

  6. Personally, I think thats awesome that elephants can destroy buildings, and is not a bug, if anything I would call that a feature. It encourages players to be more careful when attacking animals, as attacking animals can have consequences.

    I agree. It adds something to the game that I really like.

  7. We always watch gameplay videos created by 0AD's fans, so I look forward to seeing yours.

    Many thanks to you Pureon for your gentle outgoing message. :victory: I'm nice to meet you. What is your work in 0 ad exactly?

    I modeled the new Carthaginian buildings released with Alpha7, have also created ships, maps,

    , and also help look after the sound department. We all do a variety of tasks, that's what keeps us going, but most importantly we work really well as a team and get the job done :)
  8. @Pureon

    I really love the docks of Carthage :). 2 minor comments: The 'inside' of the port looks a bit empty - I mean: there is no pier inside connecting the different quays.

    Going back to this, we'll probably add a floor to the inside of the inner superdock, similar to what I'm now doing to the outer sections:


    It's still work in progress at this point, so expect ship hulls and more detail when completed ;)

  9. Hmm, what if Scout towers don't have any territory effect at all, nor do they decay. You can just place them anywhere on the map (yours, ally, or neutral), except within enemy territory.

    What if we had a much weaker 'Outpost' building for this purpose?

    Edit: If we do anything to Territories for Alpha 8, it should be to remove building decay for AI players, at least until an advanced AI is created that understands Territories. Building decay makes Jubot a lot weaker in Alpha 7 than it was in Alpha 6.

  10. I found a minor glitch in the map Savanna Ravine: One of the stone mines in the center do not belong to Gaia, but to Player 1 and are therefore attacked automatically by Player 2's units. The following trivial patch fixes this.

    Firstly, welcome to the forums UV_Completion!

    Thanks for reporting the glitch, we'll get it fixed for Alpha 8 :)

  11. Yeah, at no point in a game can you zoom in that far, so at normal zoom the camel looks pretty good. :) Good work all around to everybody! I wouldn't mind playtesting against a few people. Jubot is no longer a challenge. ;)

    Erik, Philip, Jan, Brian, ricotz, and I just had a match on Peloponnese :)

    I'll be up for a game later - I hear you're awesome - perhaps 1v2? ;)

  12. So we've just released the Carthaginian faction with Alpha 7 Geronium. Feneur and played a multiplayer Carthaginian vs Carthaginian match yesterday, and he completely overwhelmed me - half way through the game he had total map control (using our new dynamic territories). Despite the embarrassing loss, I still really enjoyed the game, and the diversity of the new faction.

    A screenshot that appears with the Alpha 7 announcement is of a single player base I built while playing against 2 Jubots. Apart from the Civ Centre and Tophet buildings, everything else was built/placed by me during the game:


    Here it is bigger.

    Using the keyboard keys '{' and '}' it is possible to place walls at consistent angles, so a defensive structure can be built even though we haven't implemented a wall building system yet. Against Feneur yesterday I even managed to build a long wall along the side of my base - it was the only thing that survived at the end :)

    For Alpha 7 we also worked on some camel trader units:


    Unfortunately they aren't animated yet, but hopefully we'll have them walking before 0AD's trading feature is introduced (Athos that's a job for us :)).

    Please let us know what you think of Alpha 7 Geronium! :victory:

  13. There has to be a benefit to formations, or else there is no reason to include them. :) For the benefits to make sense, those units in a formation have to act coherently or the illusion is broken.

    True, I just don't think we should sacrifice AOE style control groups for formations. Ideally you'd want a way of making a control group without the units instantly turning into a formation (where selecting any unit selects the entire group). I'm not against squad combat for formations, definitely not, I agree it's the best way for it to work.

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