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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. Not familiar with that, please elaborate ;-)

    In Company of Heroes the sniper can knock out an enemy unit in 1 shot. It has a camouflage ability that once turned on makes the sniper invisible to enemy units unless they get very close to it. As soon as the sniper fires a shot, he becomes visible for around 8 seconds and then dissapears from view. In the GUI you can make the sniper 'Hold Fire', so it doesn't automatically attack units. They're expensive and easy to kill when visible.

  2. I keep getting this one sort of randomly :

    ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/jubot/military.js line 745 TypeError: targetPos is undefined ([object Object],[object Object])@simulation/ai/jubot/military.js:745 ()@simulation/ai/jubot/jubot.js:115 ([object Object])@simulation/ai/common-api/base.js:90

    No clue on how to cause it. I suppose it could be related to the new helepolis since I'm playing with that alot, trying to figure out how to produce the error I keep getting about it's arrows not firing or somesuch.

    None of those files are referenced by the siege tower, so it's not that. The siege tower does however produce a BuildingAI.js error if used a lot (at least it does for me).

  3. Yikes it doesn't look at all nice with the graphics turned down! It's still very early in the texturing and modeling process, so it should improve significantly over the next few days or weeks.

    @ Pureon Garrison attack is awesome, any chance of enabling stances for it so I can tell it to stand still and use it as a roving defense battery? It'd be nice if I could do that with the other siege weapons as well.

    I've got no idea how to add stances, so I can't answer that yet.

    Please also note that the current functionality of the helepolis is almost certainly going to change.

  4. @Pureon, well it's clearly not that top secret now is it?:P Any clue which faction's gonna get the fighter plane? I say the Celts cuz they're my fave.

    Celts are my favorite civ too :)

    Its more that the texture is flat and the boards a tad unnaturally straight, the model's not horrible, the only thing i would say about the model is that maybe instead of having the top portion be comprised of entirely separate pieces for each board that it just use a flat panel for each side and then use the texture to make it appear os though there are separate boards.


    P.S. Update to the newest svn revision and garrison 15 infantry units in it, then move it (slowly) towards the enemy ;)

  5. I will see if i can dl the game (is it still free?) and mod it for my own use for the time being, just to examine whether i can do it ;)

    0AD will always be free. Feel free to download the game and experiment.

  6. Apparently I haven't been posting enough screenshots recently on the public forums! Here are some shots of Mediterranean Cove, one of the new maps we're releasing with Alpha 6:






    Many thanks to Mythos_Ruler for his time testing and improving the map (oh and sneakily renaming it while I wasn't looking ;))!

  7. Personally I'd also like to see some AI scouts really early on - especially if starting cavalry or dogs are available - possibly a small raid on some resource gathers before the main attack.

    The AI should also use more siege weapons later on in the game - I fortified a base yesterday and let the game run for just under 2 hours. When I returned none of my fortresses or walls had been destroyed (all the defenses had been fully garrisoned beforehand).

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