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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. Not sure if this is the same error as reported above:

    Function call failed: return value was -110100 (VFS directory not found)
    Location: vfs.cpp:105 (VFS::GetDirectoryEntries)

    Call stack:

    (error while dumping stack: No stack frames found)
    errno = 0 (No error reported here)
    OS error = 0 (no error code was set)

    Error produced at the end of the match loading screen using latest public svn and latest qbot.

    Edit: I'm using the autobuild exe - which hasn't been updated for a few days now, so that's probably what's causing the error...

  2. Going a realistic route would't be too bad:

    Your unit tends the farm for 5 minutes, building up a good healthy harvest, then harvests it for 1 minute for a large BURST of food into your treasury over that minute.

    This could also increase corral usage early in the game - corrals producing an almost instant burst of food compared to farms where it only arrives after 5 minutes.

    I prefer reseeding or harvesting, I don't like the idea of infinite farms at all - free food for very little effort. Infinite farms could possibly work after researching an expensive technology like proposed by WhiteTreePaladin.

    And yes agree this is low priority, farms function sufficiently well as they are.

  3. We'll probably make them cost Wood at first, then subsequent replantings cost a small amount of Food. I think we want to do a reseeding queue like in Age of Kings: The Conquerors. There were infinite farms in Age of Mythology and Age of Empires III, but I think the consensus is for the AOK:TC method.

    Agreed. AOK reseeding farms are preferred.

  4. Great work (y)

    Someone on IRC mentioned that the ground beneath buildings may need to be flattened when it gets built, in which case single quads should be no problem at all. Nobody I've asked could actually confirm whether this flattening of the ground under buildings is something that I can rely on though, so I'm hoping someone can confirm or deny this.

    I believe walls, wall towers, and gates will not flatten ground. I'm not sure how good/bad the single quads selection box will look when walls are placed over hills.

  5. Nice. We need some female sounds.

    Could you guys let me know what phrases we need a female voice actress to say in Greek? I'm assuming we won't need 'War cry' or 'Attack' etc.

    I'd like us to have a Greek female voice for alpha 8 - rather than the groan we currently have. Also would it matter if the voice actress wasn't Greek, and just read the Greek phrases with a Greek accent?

  6. Besides the cannon, i liked the design of the tower... The persian buildings make me remember both babylonians from the first AoE and the Saracens from AoK, i liked it!

    Indeed, the cannons were added as a joke. The tower itself is an initial mockup I made for the Persians, the style has since progressed :)

  7. A cannon so soon? If i'm not mistaken, cannons were only invented at the end of the medieval age, with the fall of Constantinople by the Otomans (who built the biggest cannon ever, thus far) marking the actual end of it.

    Don't worry, we know, I only posted it to distract from the first screenshot ;)

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