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Posts posted by Pureon

  1. While I appreciate the creativity going into this idea, I do have some concerns that make me strongly oppose the notion of 'squad combat'. In my opinion, NOT having squad combat was one of the most remarkable features of the Age series and one thing that greatly contributed to the Age feeling.

    Not having squad combat is an advantage because what this feature mainly does is to take away control from the player: You lose the ability to command your units individually. It seems that in your indeas here it would even make you lose the idea to address (/attack) your enemy's units individually. I think all that would greatly take away from the experience, which is why in games that do have squad combat one always has the impression that the feature was implement to increase computing performance.

    At the same time, you get nothing out of it. Everything that 'combat squads' can do can also be done by groups of individual units. That's what box-selecting and control groups are for. There is nothing that would keep us from making groups of individual units use advanced formations, for example. And they'd always have the advantage to let individuals be commanded somewhere else, targeted by the enemy, or singled out otherwise.

    In short: 'Squad combat' = less of the Age feeling, less control, and nothing that can't be done without :)

    I'd have to agree with this myself. Just saying.

  2. The uploader has not made this video available in your country. Da frack? Nobody makes me bleed my own blood! Nobody!

    Oh, nobody outside of the UK gets to see the BBC History videos on Youtube? Should have guessed. I better replace it...

    Edit: Here's a video I posted elsewhere about Carthage's port:

    (Sorry to viewers in Germany who won't be able to see it)

  3. I think some games (not sure about AoK) keep the selection box where it is on the map, even when you scroll, making it possible to select more than a screen's worth.

    That's what would ideally happen - especially when you're dealing with moving objects that may move off screen.

  4. You need to call the animation in your actor file. See <animations> tag I've added to your actor below. Make a duplicate of your duck.dae and place it in binaries\data\mods\public\art\animation\test

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <actor version="1">
    <variant frequency="1" name="Base">
    <animation file="test/duck_move.dae" name="Walk" speed="100"/>

    If I'm honest I haven't even been able to get a simple Blender animation to work in 0AD since I animated the Iberian Siege Ram a few months ago (I can't even export that animated Ram anymore, it just crashes the game).

  5. In the skeleton.xml you'll need something like this:

    	<standard_skeleton title="Duck" id="Duck"> 
    <bone name="Bone001"></bone>

    <skeleton title="Duck" target="Duck">
    <bone name="Duck"><target>Bone001</target></bone>

    Don't use the above, it may not be right, but look again at the link I posted above and notice you need a 'standard_skeleton' and a 'skeleton' tag in the skeleton.xml

  6. Yeah, I love being locked in to pricing schemes and DRM-lite, so I'll go with AOEO I guess. ;) In all seriousness though, at this rate it doesn't look like I'll be buying any new AAA games for a long time. DRM malware junk, Internet registration, pricing schemes, nerfed multiplayer capabilities (check out the difference between Modern Warfare 1 and Modern Warfare 2 in the multiplayer dept.)... I'll be sticking with indie games for a while. Last AAA game I bought was Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare two years ago (at a discount). Gamers have to take a stand against this stuff. Call me a crusader... :roman:

    The next game I'm contemplating is Anno 2070, if the gameplay is anything like Anno 1404 then I'll definitely try it and probably waste countless hours in front of it. Lots of people have been vocal about Ubisoft's extreme DRM, and while that was a massive turnoff, I still purchased Anno 1404 and enjoyed it. I only have one game installed on my computer at the moment, and it's Company of Heroes which I still frequently like to play/mod. 0AD is not classed as a 'game', it's more than that ;) The last game I bought though was Starcraft 2, despite winning 2 out of 3 online matches it didn't entertain me enough, and liked to overheat my old graphics card. I still haven't tried AOEO, the gameplay videos haven't interested me at all, which is disappointing. But it is free...

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