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Everything posted by Pureon

  1. I think it looks great, but I'll let Mythos comment on historical accuracy etc. I also just want to say I think your rough sketches are brilliant, you have a lot of talent - I wouldn't mind seeing the game's visual style go rougher around the edges sometimes.
  2. I use the Xvid codec on high compression, so the videos aren't actually that good quality, but are sufficiently smooth and the filesizes are tiny in comparison with other programs.
  3. Install a firefox addon such as Chatzilla to view the channel
  4. A good place to try is on the official IRC channel - #0ad on QuakeNet - irc://irc.quakenet.org/0ad
  5. I've recorded most of my 0.A.D. videos like using Camstudio. I'm hoping this enhancement ticket gets completed soon so that the Camstudio recordings can show the 0.A.D. cursor. I also have Fraps, but that's not free.
  6. Really nicely done. The landscape is well textured, trees well placed, and I like the random island in the western sea with all its resources.
  7. That's much better than what I paid/pay for mine btw
  8. Thanks Ben I don't have 3DS Max either, so cannot help with the Max conversions.
  9. Brilliant work Justin! As the others have stated, we welcome highly skilled talent such as yours with open arms.
  10. Not really no. AFAIK best way to get 3DS Max animations into the latest Blender is using BVH format - although the mesh can be transfered using dae/obj
  11. Yep, the game can't find the skeleton reference in the skeletons.xml file.
  12. Could the 3DS Max collada importer have reduced the scale of the lions bones? That's what it looks like to me anyway. With Blender's latest collada importer, bones are also incorrectly imported, although the default collada exporter appears to be almost fully compatible with 0.A.D. now.
  13. Just saw this massive clean-up in the svn logs - great job guys
  14. It should work for you, it has definitely worked for me in the past. Make sure its not doing mods\public\public
  15. That's what I've fixed in the new rigs I've created - as I mentioned a few posts back. I haven't had any time for 0 A.D. the past few days - starting work at 8.30am and finishing at 10pm with a 50 minute commute each way eats up a lot of time
  16. Indeed this is the route I was planning to go down, using the skeleton structure I posted here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15552&view=findpost&p=232845 However I was planning to keep the 3 rows of oars separate to allow some diversity in the movement (top ones need to move lower down to reach water). I've just been trying to add quantumstate's animation structure onto a ship mesh but Blender doesn't handle it very well/easily.
  17. Well I have to say that works much better than the manual way I was planning to do it. Will it work in 0 A.D. though? Worth a try
  18. I'd be interested in seeing that if you have some time to recreate (just within blender)? How many bones would you end up with?
  19. Yep, got it Ah good, I thought you'd found a clever way that didn't require 1 bone per oar, which is why I really wanted to see how you'd go about animating the skeletal structure you created. We can't do 1 bone per oar for obvious reasons, so over the past few weeks I've been trying alternatives and there's a possibility I may have found one. But as I said before, i still need to redesign the oars to make it work in Blender, and then hope 0 A.D. treats the animation the same way. Yeah Blender takes a while to get aquatinted with, and then they go and change the interface again. As you say, the collada importer still doesn't handle importing skeletons very well, Ben and I were looking at the latest importer a few weeks ago and also came to that conclusion. Blender treats bones as a unique object, but i'm not quite sure what you mean by 'bones as a mesh' - could you link me to some info about that? Thanks for your help
  20. From your Blender file it looks like you're very knowledgeable about rigging. Any idea if 0 A.D. supports animation constraints like those you've used in your animation? We may need them. Despite the vertex bug, could you email me or post here a version of your ship rig with a simple rowing animation (even just on 1 side)? I'd like to see how your rig setup would animate Sent you a test email
  21. I wasn't expecting anyone else to start working on the rowing animations so soon. I already have most of the 0 A.D. rowing ship hulls rigged in Blender to the skeleton structures below: <standard_skeleton title="Ship One Row" id="shiponerow"> <bone name="one_row_main"> <bone name="right_top_row"></bone> <bone name="left_top_row"></bone> </bone> </standard_skeleton> <skeleton title="Ship One Row" target="shiponerow"> <identifier> <root>shiponerow</root> </identifier> <bone name="one_row_main"><target>one_row_main</target> <bone name="right_top_row"><target>right_top_row</target></bone> <bone name="left_top_row"><target>left_top_row</target></bone> </bone> </skeleton> <standard_skeleton title="Ship Two Row" id="shiptworow"> <bone name="two_row_main"> <bone name="right_top_row"></bone> <bone name="right_bottom_row"></bone> <bone name="left_top_row"></bone> <bone name="left_bottom_row"></bone> </bone> </standard_skeleton> <skeleton title="Ship Two Row" target="shiptworow"> <identifier> <root>shiptworow</root> </identifier> <bone name="two_row_main"><target>two_row_main</target> <bone name="right_top_row"><target>right_top_row</target></bone> <bone name="right_bottom_row"><target>right_bottom_row</target></bone> <bone name="left_top_row"><target>left_top_row</target></bone> <bone name="left_bottom_row"><target>left_bottom_row</target></bone> </bone> </skeleton> <standard_skeleton title="Ship Three Row" id="shipthreerow"> <bone name="three_row_main"> <bone name="right_top_row"></bone> <bone name="right_middle_row"></bone> <bone name="right_bottom_row"></bone> <bone name="left_top_row"></bone> <bone name="left_middle_row"></bone> <bone name="left_bottom_row"></bone> </bone> </standard_skeleton> <skeleton title="Ship Three Row" target="shipthreerow"> <identifier> <root>shipthreerow</root> </identifier> <bone name="three_row_main"><target>three_row_main</target> <bone name="right_top_row"><target>right_top_row</target></bone> <bone name="right_middle_row"><target>right_middle_row</target></bone> <bone name="right_bottom_row"><target>right_bottom_row</target></bone> <bone name="left_top_row"><target>left_top_row</target></bone> <bone name="left_middle_row"><target>left_middle_row</target></bone> <bone name="left_bottom_row"><target>left_bottom_row</target></bone> </bone> </skeleton> A few weeks ago Mythos and I talked about ship animations and decided to create turn animations alongside the forward/backward movement animations. The reason I haven't committed anything yet is because a large number of the ships will need changes to the mesh to allow them to 'row' properly using bone animations. Some models also need to be shifted back to origin, which then also requires edits to the prop meshes. Regarding your mesh bug, you just need to remove the offending vertices from the bone weight - you don't need to put the row in a separate mesh or anything like that I'll try to get some of the ships rowing in-game this weekend and then I'll email you the blend files for you to take a closer look at. You can then work on the new Roman ship rowing animations using the already defined skeleton structures or even redo some of my animations if you want.
  22. Looks great Gen.Kenobi! I see you're animating the fisherman for RotE
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