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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Gen.Kenobi

  1. Hello Cosmin! Welcome to our humble home! Nice to see someone that also involved within the creation of communities! I remember that a few years back I started a small creative studio in the form of online forums, to mod C&C games. It was quite sucessful for a while, but them it when dead, since we didn't pay the hosting. Them I started working at Revora Creative Network. Have you heard of it? I still help out there a little with PR and hosting offers, but I'm rather inactive because of real life. All my free time right now is focused on 0ad and having some fun. Welcome again! Hope to see you around! Best regards, - Daniel
  2. @Jeru: A more professional render is here: http://i.imgur.com/u8F0R.png You'll need to add text in the image, since I don't know the font that 0ad uses @Everyone: So what should I do next?
  3. Hmm... So I started to fix up the texturing, and didn't feel like stoping it I guess it looks like a sturdy greek fortress now. Gonna call it finished. Any other suggestions?
  4. Wooah! Congrats on your new baby! May God bless you and your family!
  5. If we can already reflect buildings and static objects, I think it'll be enough, since we really won't get many "models" with water nor people standing next to them... But again, would be nice to have all possible ways (dynamic too - how intensive would it be? Maybe it could be easily turned on or off if the player wanted or his hardware didn't support), if possible For modders and maybe for things like waterfalls, ect. Yeah. I am no programmer, so please forgive my "out-of-range" suggestions
  6. Not reflecting objects would look weird... Is this possible for the modder to change it he wish, or it's hardcoded? I mean, all water that is not in the ocean. Water in actors... I think you know what I mean.
  7. IMO, I think it needs more orange... First one will always be the best one in my opinion.
  8. I'm afraid greeks didn't use banners like the Romans... I could be wrong, though. I need someone to correct me.
  9. New up. I'm quite without inspiration right now... Not sure what to improve or to add. Added a few details inside the fortress. Few spears, shields, crates, barrels...
  10. Is this what you wanted, Michael? Can't see much difference. (I have two versions, one mirrored and other standard. I need your approval to resume working on either one Since it's pain to mirror the props - needs to be done by hand... Not nice.. hehehe
  11. Yeah. There's no need at all, for a fence to be more than 1000 polys It's just some blocks Don't lose precious polys on that
  12. What do you mean? Put the door between the two towers? Or just mirror it in X? Or Y? (I'm always cofused by the coordinates). If you can get me a drawing of what you want - paint-over the render - would be great
  13. Updating the Greek Fortress Here's a WiP. Going to resume working in a few hours. Anyways, can someone rename the topic to "Updating the Greeks". Since there's no point for me to be creating several topics for each Greek Structure that I update.
  14. Well, that is a different technique... It uses the fluid simulation, not the dynamic paint... Not sure if it'll be able to bake displacement maps on the bottom, since it's mostly dynamic.
  15. I am going to get started on the GreekFortress as soon as someone gets me the model and it's props. Opened a ticket just to start getting used to it. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1541
  16. I see this working mostly for ships, as you said. However to get realistic results for each ship, I would need to get the each model, including the rows, with it's animation.
  17. But don't trow it away! Maybe it can be used for something
  18. I like it a lot. Now all we have to do is to find a way to make the leaves fall from the trees, as a nice little particle effect I know it may seen quite unrealistic, but the first one is the most gorgeous to me
  19. Sure. I'll have to look into the exporting of height maps, but it's possible. Gonna need to watch a few tutorials first, to get me going. But what exactly are you looking for?
  20. Indeed! And we could add some farm variations, like wheat, barley, ...
  21. Merged both markets. It's big, but in my humble view, it looks quite nice, at least it looks more like other factions's markets... Haters gonna hate Lovers gonna love Well, anyways, it's a done model that can be used somewhere else, if not as a market, maybe as a campaign structure. You guys decide what to do with it. I am done. (At least quite done, not sure what to scale down, if scale down, whatever)
  22. @zoot: Can you rephrase your question about Blender?
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