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Posts posted by wraitii

  1. 1 minute ago, Asger said:

    Because realisticly A slinger should take more time shooting then  javileneers. Slingers need more time to use their sling then a javileneer who basicly only needs grab a spear and throw. Correct me if i am wrong :)

    In "real life", slingers would have large ammo capacity, longer ranges, and much deadlier ammo against un-armoured troops, but I think they'd be far less efficient against shields. Pilum and javelins are few, short-ranged, but you don't stop one.


    Thnx I didnt know that yet, so are some other players.

    Yeah that's my bad, UI isn't great there. I think players will find out via osmosis.


    Overall I think archers & can archers remain definitely a bit OP. Elephants are strong if left unchecked, particularly since unlike rams they can't be killed by women, so you need real units.


    No idea about the house hotkey.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, av93 said:

    I hope that Spanish users will got a hotfix, because a lot of them maybe won't understand/search that the problem is the language

    Yeah, we'll update the download links with a fixed package. Unfortunately the few that will download in the meantime will need to find the forums. We noticed an issue in the manual but not in-game unfortunately.

    Thanks for reporting this anyways :) 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hey everyone,

    Following the release of A24, we've had a number of issues reported.

    First, make sure that your game is clean and up-to-date:

    1. Deactivate all mods. your config file should read 'mod.enabledmods = "mod public"'. See GameDataPaths to know where it is
    2. Clear your cache. Likewise, consult GameDataPaths if you don't know how to do it

    This will fix most of the issues you're likely to encounter.

    Secondly, here are some know issues:

    • Spanish translation is broken. The 'fix' is to switch to another language for now. We'll fix this soon, so you'll simply be able to re-download the game. [Fixed in the A24b release]
    • There is a rare issue with garrisoning in formation (you're only affected if you don't use the formation walk override). This will also be hot fixed soon. [Fixed in the A24b release]
    • There is a rare issue where ordering a unit to do the same thing twice can incorrectly keep queued orders issued in-between (see #6046) - the 'fix' is to order the unit to do something else in that case, but in general this should not affect gameplay much.
    • Queuing 'AttackMoveUnit' orders for units currently in formation does not quite work: the order is not queued but executed right away

    Let us know if you run into other issues,

    Hope you enjoy the game :) 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  4. 32 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

    Why have the lifepoints of the spartan hero Agis been reduced by 50%

    If I recall correctly, hero HP have been standardised to 1000.

    33 minutes ago, Player of 0AD said:

    All in all there are too many changes of the game imho. A good civ balance cannot be easily achieved if the game gets turned into another game like now.

    All gameplay changes are discussed at https://code.wildfiregames.com and you're free to give your opinion on any diff there.

    Keep in mind that this is the first release in 2.5 years, so it's a bit exceptional.

    • Like 2
  5. I do agree with the scouting and gameplay argument. However, the fact that civil centre can train military also kind of defeats the purpose of scouting - to an extent, the game is quite flexible anyways. If we want to change that, we kinda have to change the whole game.

    I'm not extraordinarily satisfied with the current gameplay situation, but I'm not certain adding an "archery range" would really improve things much, unless we actually go for an AoE2 clone - but I don't think that's necessarily entirely desirable, since AoE2 is alive and very much kicking.

    I think our gameplay would benefit from being more similar to Rise of Nations, since we already have the territory mechanic, but that also needs a number of changes.

    • Like 1
  6. Welcome to the forums :) 

    16 minutes ago, jorellaf said:

    Personality: Affable but also hot-tempered judgemental nitpicking perfectionist with a sense of humour.

    Unfortunately, we already have some of these :P

    I'll let @Stan` explain more of the onboarding process, I think, but on a macro level there are multiple ways you can contribute:

    • In the forums, there are many discussions on a number of historical topics, including e.g. whether our art is historically accurate, civilisation rosters, the names of units, specific wonders that we could use, and really a number of other things. I'll point you to posts by e.g. @Sundiata , @Nescio or @Genava55 (amongs others, obviously).
      • I think art review in particular might be of interest to you, and we have a whole forum dedicated to it
    • We use Phabricator to make and review patches: https://code.wildfiregames.com. This include actual code patches, but also data files (thus texts). You'll find more information here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers
    • we also have an IRC chat room (see wiki page above).
  7. 1 minute ago, badosu said:

    Hmmm.. I'm not sure about that.

    Well, it's harder than an auto-installer, but it is not that difficult. I think if you give it a decent shot you'll find that it works pretty well with the auto build.

    And yes, I do see that it could give more instant feedback. But it also means that any failed experiment impacts players. I'm not sure the tradeoff is worth it right now.

    BTW, for the curious, there were previous experiments with metallic shaders: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/19650-engine-questions/page/6/?tab=comments#comment-304957


    • Like 1
  8. Yes, having a way to auto-update would be good. I just don't think it's that useful. Would an embedded svn/git be the way to go? Maybe, I dunno. I guess we'll take patches, I'm not going to be the one working on it anyways :)

    Anyways, people can and do already play SVN. It's really not that difficult.

    Fact is, putting the .zip files together is relatively trivial (and in fact jenkins now does she almost automatically).

  9. You're really not addressing my point. The technical side is trivial to an extent. The fact is that the gameplay would change, and that's not a good player experience. Changing the revision while joining a game, so you don't even know what you're playing? Absurd.

    That being said, including an easy way to auto-update, even with semi-regular releases, is likely a good idea. Whether it should be a priority, I'm not so sure. We'll take patches, should they be sufficiently well written.

    • Thanks 1
  10. I'm not convinced that we need to, or indeed should, switch to a "continuous release" model, to be honest. Yes, it has pros, namely more testing more often, but it'll make the game both less buggy and less stable. Further, for players, continuous balance changes won't be very good. There are advantages to periodic release - 'marketing', things like that.
    'Real' companies do a bit of both, but video games that I know tend to work with semi-regular "patches", not actual continuous releasing. There's likely a good reason for that.

    It would also be rougher on modders, who would need to maintain their mod continuously to avoid issues (though of course, it somewhat makes it easier).

    I believe shorter release cycles (4-6 months) with an "svn" alongside, is overall a rather good model.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, Samulis said:

    Granted, we're talking about projects made by teams 5-10x larger than the active dev team on 0 A.D., who are also full-time paid employees of a company, but I digress.

    More like x50-x1000, truthfully. In terms of "Full Time Equivalent", I would wager 0 A.D. averages under one FTE/day. Forgotten Empires, the makers of Age2, are 51 people at the moment. I'd wager the team making Age 4 is even larger. The gap isn't large, the gap is huge.

    3 minutes ago, Samulis said:

    Keep in mind 0 AD has been in development for well over a decade.

    Two decades, in fact :)


    • Like 2
  12. Unfortunately 10.11 and before are no longer supported. Indeed, the reason is that the older SDL2 version was bugged on 10.12+, so we had to upgrade, but that upgrade meant we could no longer support 10.11 and earlier. We had to make a choice, and 10.12 being released in 2016 it seemed fair to upgrade.

    Your iMac should support newer versions of MacOS, so I would suggest you upgrade unless you have very good reasons not to (which you may).

    The build instructions are yet to be updated entirely, since the release isn't out yet.

    • Thanks 1
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