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Posts posted by fabio

  1. Hi, as decided in the last meeting, SDL2 is now enabled by default in SVN on Linux (it was already enabled on Windows and OS X). There is no more need to pass --sdl2 to update-workspaces.sh. To properly build SVN make sure to install sdl2 development library >= 2.0.2 as explained in BuildInstruction wiki page.

    If you notice issues with SDL2 you can still build with SDL1, passing --sdl1 to update-workspaces.sh. In this case make sure, however, to report the issue so that we can fix it or eventually revert to SDL1 by default.

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  2. STUNTMAN (Apache 2.0) has the same compatibility state of gloox (GPLv3): they are compatible when the whole game is released under GPLv3(+), not if the game would be GPLv2 only. Also STUNTMAN should only be useful when gloox is used and then the GPLv3(+) option is already implied, so it won't add any new practical limitation.

  3. @WhiteTreePaladin: bog_dan_ro quote from IRSC some days ago on using logcat:

    you need to add your device usb id to /etc/udev/rules.d

    check http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html#setting-up

    search for "Log in as root and create this file"

    lsusb will tell you the id

    I tried the new version from Google Play on my Nexus 7 with Android 5.0.2:

    • :) uploading technical feedback apparently succeeds now;
    • :) the interface is no longer scaled (that caused overlapping buttons);
    • :) I noticed it now installs with an OBB file;
    • :) I was able to connet to the lobby and chat (the keyboard get activated when required);
    • :( opening web links pressing the menu buttons still doesn't work;
    • :( when the keyboard is removed from the screen the Android 3-buttons menu bar stays active hiding the bottom of the screen;
    • :( every tap counts as two clicks, just go in the Options window and I cannot change anything (a tap quickly enable and disable it); it works fine if I press the touch screen for a longer time; it would be more intuitive to invert this behavior;
    • :( it crashes as soon as I start a match at 99/100% loading (also I tried starting a match on a Tiny random map whit just 1 player), so I cannot test the game itself.

    Yes, I still need to try logcat myself.

  4. Hi, if someone is interested in testing, bog_dan_ro uploaded an updated android apk + mod and public mods zip here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2996#comment:45

    Install the apk, start it and it should create some empty dirs in sdcard. Locate 0ad/appdata/data/mods dir and copy the two zips inside it in mod/mod.zip and public/public.zip

    The game should then be able to run.

    Note: the game requires OpenGL ES 3.0 to run.

    For bog_dan_do: I tried your latest packages and can confirm the same issues I got with the archive I built myself on my Nexus 7, reported at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2996#comment:43

    Unfortunately I am a bit busy to further debug the problems as described at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2996#comment:44 , if someone can it could speed up android support :).

  5. Eventually I think there should be a generalized way to paint ring of various type: aura, but for example also min and max firing range. They should be able to be set automatically, without specifying a texture, this would be a lot easier to manage (i.e. no need to modify XML files, just use settings already available in every unit for size, using a different color for type). See for example these that were generated using little textures that can be placed on the border of a big ring:



    Also for aura there should be a way to detect if a unit is really influenced by the aura, this is especially useful when aura only parttially cover a unit. A possibility would be to have a symbol floating over the unit when the aura affects it (as some of the units in previous images have).

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