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Black Op

WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Black Op

  1. Well, Curu's postcards sound rather nice...... I don't have the need for adult sites though...... yeah...........
  2. Well, to do that, I need either Desmond, Nathan, or Matt here (preferably all) so we can get in a big postathon.
  3. He teaches English. That's why he's so good at it. B-) EDIT: Got beaten to it.
  4. As for me, I just do stuff fast, never used fast Reply for some reason.
  5. How 'bout rigging this month's GotM so that I win no matter what. EDIT: Well, at the very least modify this pic with the words "Black Op" (no capital P ) and include either the WFG logo or the Eye of Sauron (like in my current avatar now), whatever is feasible. I plan on using this as my new avatar.
  6. I have Easter Break when Desmond does, and only for a week. Why is it that Europeans get 2 weeks off?
  7. I vote yes, on the condition that each forum has a set amount of stickies. Plus make the price so that only those who stick around can afford it.
  8. I'll usually raise rep when I see a good post made. Also, good forumers and staff on my good side will get raised reps even if not for a thread.
  9. Can't wait to see your work, Bojan.
  10. Way to go in runining the joke for the rest of us.......
  11. And the "Where're you're from" style topic rears its head again in the WFG Forums, abit this time it's at 0AD......... From N. America.
  12. Yeah, Nathan is already the VP. You can either be treasurer or the seceratary Quacker. B-)
  13. We should stop soon, Tim'll be on soon. If no one is around to post, Tim can't post as much as us.
  14. 1 Cease & Desist Order sent for unauthorized use of my sayings and counting....
  15. So true Shaheen...... let's not forget that. B-)
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