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Everything posted by Bakayaro

  1. <<playtester? heh... I'm the micro-obsessed fiend right now.
  2. you could be like me and spam suggestions... it's fun in its own right.
  3. I totally got killed on the AIME. Sigh...
  4. It's sounding that 0ad will be very focused on elements of Macro-management. I'm more of a micro person, so now i'm tilting toward ideas that promote micro. Let's say your hero gets better as he/she levels, which happens when that unit participates in combat and a unit that that hero unit dies, then the hero gains experience. Every few exp points then, the hero gains levels, and this strengthens the effects that hero has on morale, much like a good general's effects on the army. But we have to be creative with a hero, don't we? We can't have altars like WCIII, and in SC heroes were merely campaign units. So what if we had it that your ordinary units (but only 1 at a time!) could become heroes if that unit managed to be enough combat (the details which I have not yet worked out) and then get a randomly assigned name of that civ? Let's say I have a horsey-dude and he's very combat-hardened (survived 5-8 minor skirmishes). A button appears that lets me designate him my hero unit. This costs no resources, and he gets a cool flag and some stat boosts. Of course, he is also easier to target now, and will automatically be targeted by any neutral units on the map. Speaking of which. Neutral units, known as creeps in WCIII, should be added to make scouting more difficult and encourage the usage of the hero system that I suggested. This hero system will make players want to micro certain units to make their armies more effective. But these are all just very basic ideas.
  5. In our English class we analyze lit. Our teacher has the most craptastic grammar anyway. I find it more fun to analyze lit than to learn grammar anyway.
  6. And about flaming arrows... That should slow the fire rate of the archers, because it would make them have to light the oily rag (or something else) and then fire, and maybe even make it possible to "misfire" and hurt the archer unit that is attacking. Could you employ the "Cat" that sheltered medieval soldiers from castle fire, or would that have to wait for a future expansion? This "Cat" was a turtle-like canopy of wood that blocked arrows. And... How about making it so that you have to put archers into the towers for them to fire, so that it makes you have to balance between fortification for defense and attack. That way, you don't have ridiculous games where people put towers all over the place. I mean, it's natural to simply put your archers in your towers, right?
  7. By "Contemplate Suicide" I mean read literature in which there are characters that commit suicide or actually do, then contemplate on why they did it. There's also waiting around on AIM for somebody to talk to.
  8. Heh. We learn grammar from some other book, and our teacher uses our Paso Books for vocab. We get vocab tidbits from her too. I'm in year 3, and I must agree that there are pretty archaic terms in Paso a Paso. Like anteojos. It's gafas! Can't wait to take 4th year, we don't use Paso in AP spanish. A friend of mine knows english grammar solely from her French Grammar lessons. Honestly, she doesn't do too poorly on grammar either. Being obsessive, I do correct her on occasion, and that earns a slap now and then. (But that's off topic)
  9. That could be yet another play mode. Each player could start with a certain such building under his or her control, and when they lose control of it for a set amount of time, they lose the game. Or make capturable buildings for normal gameplay.
  10. Or how about telling about the bargain dresses and high heels I found the other day? Compositions in Spanish III are painful.
  11. Not at all? Not even villagers who can dig under the walls to undermine them? I'm sure I can do some damage to a wall if I have a sword and I knock at the wood that makes up the building. It ought to depend on the material the building is constructed of. A sword would be completely useless against stone or brick, but an axe or a sword could potentially chop wood. And so then can you have soldiers scale walls or go into buildings and disable them from doing anything? Saboteurs? (Units that can disrupt the workings of buildings or damage the buildings themselves) How about espionage? Will that be employed, or will it simply be reduced to scouting?
  12. Nobody wants to join mythical high-tech Lemuria? Nobody can attack us! Bwahahaaa!! I am going to try to start my own 0ad clan once the game comes out.
  13. Then there also needs to be an in-game scenario editor that allow for good custom maps and multiplayer scenarios. (Tower defense, anyone?) I'll make some packaged scenarios if someone sets up the editor. (I have some experience with StarCraft's Scenario Editor, and WCIII's as well).
  14. Calc, Contemplate suicide, listen to Tchaikovsky, try to learn Hungarian Dances no. 5 for piano
  15. Laughing so hard that I asphyxiate. it's not made up!! it's as valid as DTMMBLB? (Does this make my butt look big?)
  16. OMFGLMFAO yeah... wow... haha... yeah... wow... haha Quake = virtual reality HAHAHAAA God I'm going to die laughing... LSHTIA
  17. This is a nay. The Lemurians weren't even real.
  18. Actually, now that I remember it, I lost my mod powers on Dnas's Forums. But in reality, I didn't lose my powers, the forum I moderated got destroyed. Nobody posted in it. Only me and some other dude. So technically, I didn't lose my powers, my realm/domain got destroyed.
  19. In that case I'll lead the Lemurians. Eat that Atlantis!! Eat that actual civilizations!
  20. It doesn't work if you read it wrong. =P
  21. Northshire and Lost Temple (WCIII) Marsh and Mediterranean(AOM)
  22. So are there cheats written up? If not, I suggest the following list of single player cheats (the input sentences are just for flavor, I don't expect anyone to actually use them): Et tu, Brutus? - Lose the Game Instant Rush! Only 2.99! - Win the Game You mean the Romans didn't have spy satellites? - Toggle Fog of War Cheat Canon and Gigue in D Major - Creates a miscellaneous extremely powerful unit (a Cannon of some sort?) at a random town center belonging to you This is the light of my soul - Toggle Invulnerability I don't cheat - Disable all currently enabled cheats And there need to be cheats for Enabling the Entire Tech Tree, Zero Build Time, and other entertaining/necessary cheating needs.
  23. All right! someone else to spam the suggestion box with me!
  24. I notice that you are very much a Star Wars fan. Mandalore, the planet (or was it a moon?) of the Mandalorians. Jango Fett, and Boba Fett both wear the Armor of the Mandalorians. In the words of the Neimoidians, Wahr Kohm (welcome).
  25. Cuz you can have a longer game with more resources. Limited resources pushes you to win before you run out, thus making turtling in very difficult.
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