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Everything posted by Seleucids

  1. The AI is very weak on all maps. It has especially less optimisation for naval maps. What you need is an enhanced version of the bot. Please see the page
  2. New update: - More concise and efficient pregame page - Fixed some errors with Unit.js and lobby rating report functions - Added new trees - Fields have been abstracted - Gives you a tag - Hidden easter eggs kate-overhaul.zip
  3. Not everyone likes my graphics. They reduce lag by removing a lot of things and replacing diversity (variation) by just one monotone object. Yes the performance is better but some enjoyment is gone. So it should be optional but highly recommended. Players can opt out of it if they really need to. @MarcusAureliu#s, which map layout? Circle or River or Groups? I might be able to host for you.
  4. Why? - Less lag + better pathfinder - PhyZic wants his donkey mill back.
  5. I'm trying to run or recompile A23 on Linux from the source_code.zip on releases.wildfiregames.com How can I do that? I will post SpiderMonkey errors below if that helps.
  6. This looks great, thank you! Ideally we can have the seagulls transparent, as they are irrelevant to gameplay? Also phyzic proposed brown trees, maybe we can try that out?
  7. Teams and count kills are able to be displayed in the in-game summary page. Let's look at which engine commands they called in that page.
  8. Thanks for the guide. My main question is: how can I re-compile the current release version of A27, as well as the released A26? I'm on Linux, so I assume I would have to download the source_code.zip right?
  9. Could we perhaps monitor the time taken to handle each task (e.g. how long it takes to execute a particular C++ function) to find the source of lag? Another idea is async the GUI from the backend engine. Let the GUI run smoothly with animations but without attaching them to the simulation update loop of the backend.
  10. Let's first fully experiment with them in A27 before jumping to conclusions. From what I see, cavalry do seem weaker right now because they cannot escape amidst the lag.
  11. This is without GPU skinning. The frame rates are massively unstable and on average, worse. The resource consumptions are also low. This is very different to lag in A26, where a single process is consuming 100% of a CPU core and the GPU is also near maximum. Now we have load distributed across several processes but each one uses little power.
  12. Here is an attempt to see the frame rate evolution with GPU skinning. The frame rate is low but the system resource consumption is also very low; the process is not using much processing power. Only 9% CPU usage and 5% GPU usage, yet the game is at 8 fps I think this is a matter of code optimisation. I'm glad to see some signs of multiprocessing, but the load could have been distributed more evenly.
  13. The autociv will throw a lot of errors at this point. It is caused by the stats panel. To fix, go into autociv/simulation/components/GuiInterface~autociv.js Scroll down to Line 214, 215 then change these 2 lines to the following: "team": 1, "hasSharedLos": true, Overall, the dictionary is defined as: ret.players.push({ "name": cmpIdentity.GetName(), "popCount": cmpPlayer.GetPopulationCount(), "resourceCounts": cmpPlayer.GetResourceCounts(), "state": cmpPlayer.GetState(), "team": 1, "hasSharedLos": true, "phase": phase, "researchedTechsCount": cmpTechnologyManager?.GetResearchedTechs().size ?? 0, "classCounts_Support": classCounts?.Support ?? 0, "classCounts_Infantry": classCounts?.Infantry ?? 0, "classCounts_Cavalry": classCounts?.Cavalry ?? 0, "classCounts_Siege": (classCounts?.Siege ?? 0), "classCounts_Champion": (classCounts?.Champion ?? 0), "enemyUnitsKilledTotal": cmpPlayerStatisticsTracker?.enemyUnitsKilled.total ?? 0 }); The error is caused by nani trying to call non-existent functions. Remove them and replace with some default value will stop the errrors, but the team assignment will look wrong. You will have to rely on the diplomacy panel to be sure.
  14. Crossbowmen have less range but more damage per second on average. However, they shoot once every 3 seconds, which is slow - good for stationary battles, bad for emergency situations that require agility. Archers have longer range and faster firing rate, so you can use them as mobile snipers. However, they do less damage per shot than crossbow. Ideally you want a mix of both, alongside some melee. This will prepare you for any situation. In order to satisfy both balance requirements and historical accuracy. This civ needed skirmishers or slingers in order to be on par with the other civs, however, the Han didn't use slings nor javs. The solution is to add a crossbow unit that has very similar stats to a slinger.
  15. For A27: kate-overhaul.zip - Fixed errors regarding A27 - Deletes corpse - Some new models might not have been replaced.
  16. The mods that you remember are from A26. They are not compatible with A27. You need to wait until the authors make changes so that it becomes compatible. An even better way is you do the mods yourself. Edit the mod.json then debug. The content has only increased with new features and actors. Yes, the performance optimisation is disappointing. However, that's a long time issue and is attributed to the program being single-core process. If you know C++ maybe you can edit the engine code to make it multiprocessed. Finally, I get these bugs are frustrating but you could have been more polite...
  17. The purpose of this thread is to monitor the publicity of 0ad on the platform in question and bridge the userbases. The account name: play0ad Stan has done a good job to translate some descriptions into Chinese, however, the text seems too formal. The linguistic style of Xiaohongshu users is one of teenage girls and young women in their 20s, so we need more emotive and rhetorical titles. Some typical examples Xiaohongshu titles to attract attention: 家人们谁懂啊,免费游戏居然有这么好玩的? 我不允许宝子们还有没玩过这个游戏! 感觉这可能是最优秀的开源游戏了吧! @Stan` feel free to copy these lines
  18. If you are on Windows, download the new installer from 0ad website and install. If you are on Linux, you can upgrade via your package manager, e.g. [Debian based]$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade [Arch based]$ sudo pacman -Syyu
  19. Omg brooo welcome to the platform! Bienvenue! I am also a Xiaohongshu user! What's 0ad's official account name? The platform does rotational recommendations for each tag to all users so 0ad will get publicity very quickly if you tag your posts correctly. It will not "shadowban" small new users as opposed to YouTube. There is a growing interest on the platform in Linux and GNU open source software, thanks to the influx of American refugees. Previously, it was a female-dominated platform populated by cooking and fashion videos. Another great platform is BiliBili and I already have 2 accounts there. If any 0ad YouTubers would like it, I am happy to "migrate" your videos there.
  20. No they are not. Norse Harold has no evidence, only intuition and assumptions, but he claims he knows everything. He cannot produce a single log extract or screenshot to prove any transgressions from these people or their link to me. It's time to stop fuelling this troll thread. The author has not replied to the topic. He was not active in the lobby while I am there, so I don't know what inspired him to come up with this topic.
  21. Firstly, Geriatrix is French and I am Brit. You can verify this by IP, language etc Secondly, the UK has ~65 million population. That is more than enough for a few 0ad players emerge. I and Shyft are not from the same city, and again you can verify that by IP. There are replays where we did an op teamwork to beat Geri on the flank (so all 3 appeared in one game) and another one where I played against him and knight. I find it insulting to be equated to that guy, even though his behaviour has improved. You wouldn't be happy if I claimed that you are a smurf of Jagsus and 0AD_BOSS and Groot just because you are all from India.
  22. @Atrik, experimenting in many games, I find that changing the attack types in unit_actions.js does not automatically achieve sniping effect. The edit will allow you to kill off the most threatening units first, then the support unit. It also makes you less susceptible to people dancing with rams. However, you still have to do clicking repetitively if you want to snipe. This is not a workaround. If you want to automate that, maybe we should look elsewhere. If you set attack type to only ranged, after the death of the first target, your army descends into the general attack command and that hurts you more because your formation breaks. You can try to select all ranged units then queue up attack-ranged, but that just means spam pressing the keyboard 100 times, not sure if that is an improvement. You'd also have to press 3 keys down simultaneously: shift + ctrl + Q
  23. Furthmore, Norse Harold, you created this thread not for improving 0ad, but to target me personally. You have named AInur, so we can all look at that user's posts: it's mostly programming and technical discussion, with a few suggestions on changing gameplay. There is no sign of malice. You have a record of driving helpful users away: I still remember NitroVicky and Inzhu. No matter whether Vicky is actually me or not, they were helping 0ad with developing a superior AI. If you didn't ban her from the forum, all of the single-players could be enjoying a more advanced AI right now. Same for Inzhu. They claimed they can implement parallel processing to 0ad. If you had encouraged him on that instead of stalking him around in the lobby delisting games, we could have said farewell to CPU lag since long time. All 3 of the users are positively contributing to the 0ad community, and all you can do is ban them based on your subjective suspicions. Now I ask: How have you improved the AI? How far did you nudge the engine towards multiprocessing? How many bugs have you found workarounds for? who is the real threat to the community that's constantly pushing players and contributors away? You created this thread to drive me away once again and prevent me from contributing. For what? What are you trying to defend, and against what? You can survey the lobby userbase's opinion towards Ricci-Curvature and you will see. Meanwhile, Shyft has also returned. He is a reasonable person now and I could get along with him, despite the occasional inappropriate language from him. You have made no effort to hunt him down, you only target me. I do not oppose the other lobby users challenging me, nor am I manipulating anyone into anything. I just play a few TGs and test out the historical patch with Leif. Simple life. When you were moderator, you had the absolute power to delete people's posts so that nobody could speak against you. You blamed many things on me and I was denied the right to speech. Now you have lost that power and it's time for you to be held accountable for your transgressions. However, as I said, the past is past and I don't want more mess. Let's put the history aside and seek for coexistence in the community. That's my proposal. If you decide to still take on unreasonable measures such as harassing manhunts, IP monitors, enslaving restitution, unjustified sanctions and bye-laws, etc against me, then I will simply leave. P.S. your topic ruined my weekend, thanks for that.
  24. I think this topic has attracted enough unnecessary attention and should be locked. The nature of the topic has already violated the TOS by inciting public harassment towards an user and spreading false accusations with the intent of defame. Not all of Norse Harold's claims about me have been verified, especially regarding the YouTube part where it is off-WFG and someone has already admitted to owning the 0ad expert channel. I quote Norse Harold himself: """ your post contains numerous possibly inaccurate claims, possibly defamatory statements (claims without evidence), and statements that incite the player base to harass a user. Please read the forum terms of use here. And, you left out some important information. """ Source: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/119412-boycott-declaration-against-sanafur-in-0-ad/?do=findComment&comment=577093 The nature of this topic suits his own description perfectly. Everything (or mostly) was calm until you started this drama. I don't want drama, but I also don't want to be insulted or have trolls / spammers ruining my games. I just wanted to play and enjoy a few games with my new and old friends. I'm not planning to nor willing to do any kind of attacks or be toxic ( and I haven't). The entire lobby has been watching me closely in the past month of my active time. I've had 0 arguments, not even directly with Geri. If anything, I have diffused a few quarrels before they got serious. Yet Norse and Geri still won't leave me alone. So who is the problem here?
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